The Impacts Of Eating Habits

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In 2011, my grandfather had gone into the hospital for gall stones, and came out getting a triple bypass. At that point I realized that I needed to change my way in eating habits, and exercising routinely drastically. Going to the doctor for your annual exams is another essential change I have made. Therefore, my grandfather 's experience motivated me to understand the impact of life style habits. First, of all one of the things I changed was my eating habits. Eating healthy made my body feel better. I have met my nutritional needs by knowing my limits on junk food and eating more vegetables, proteins, fruits, and better portions. I have not completely cut everything from my diet because that would be difficult. I make sure I do not over …show more content…

When I was a kid she believed that me being thin, was that I was not eating properly. So, she would feed me big portions of food so I could get bigger. She would serve me a big plate of food and then try to serve me more before I even finished my first plate. My grandmother and grandfather grew up in a culture where eating big portions and lot of tortillas was considered being healthy. She thought she was doing a good deed for me, but she really was not. I was taking in a lot of bad fats and cholesterol that was not good for my body. At that point I was getting much bigger as I was getting older. I was considered obese at one point because of all the bad foods I was consuming due to my grandmother. My grandfather grew up with not so good eating habits which affected his health in the long run. After my grandfather had his …show more content…

My grandfather 's unhealthy life style has opened my eyes on how bad habits can affect my health in the long run. Now I make sure that I am always keeping myself active with physical activities. I also make sure I make good healthy choices on what I eat. I learned that I do not need to completely block everything from my healthy diet, as long as I am know how much to consume. Healthy living can reduce any health risks and complications. My grandfather 's experience made me see how important it is to follow a good healthy life style. If I want to avoid what my grandfather went through and have a healthier me I need to continue a good diet, exercising, and getting my routine checkups. People must keep this in mind we need to teach our kids a better healthy life style, and enforce more physical activity in order to break this epidemic of

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