Drop Out Of College Essay

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College is a very important and monumental moment in anyone 's life, that will catapult them to a future they want to pursue. College is a gateway to a big bright future in the career choice you choose to do for the rest of your life. Before anyone starts their last four years of their collegiate carrier, you will notice that in the process that some people will drop out or not finish because they lack of either focus, drive, and self discipline which affect their willpower. I have seen this in my own eyes, and experienced some of these myself but I will never give up.

The first couple weeks of college are hectic due to all the students finding their classes, getting acquainted with peers, or finding parking. Then a couple of weeks go by and classrooms get smaller, which means more parking space for those who stay. I noticed that during the beginning of the school weeks everyone has been doing great showing up to class and really participating in the classroom. After the third week I noticed one person leave, then the next week two more people leave, and it just kept on going until the last day to drop a class. I asked my partner in the class why a certain classmate dropped out of class and the response was that “he kept …show more content…

When I found out, I talked to him about it and he was telling me that he was homesick and could not focus on his school as much. He was so out of focus with his school that his grades were going down as well and had to drop his classes from failing them and getting a bad gpa. This makes me realize that fact that “many kids who get good grades in high school end up failing college” is true from a first hand experience. I have a strong feeling that his lack of focus on school had interfered with his willpower to jump over that hurdle of getting over being

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