Driverless Cars Persuasive Essay

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Have you ever heard of driverless cars and how amazing they can get us from point A to point B? What if I told you that's not how it all seems? What if I told you that driverless cars are only half the problem of car accidents that happen today in the present? Would you believe me, or not? We’ve all heard about driverless cars, how perfect and amazing they can be. We’ve also heard about Elon Musk and his car brand Tesla and how it’s better for you and the environment. But actually driverless cars are AKA electric cars are even worse than regular cars that people still drive today. It's true, yet people still drive them and act like it’s not hurting the environment. They also act like it’s not burning a hole in their pocket. And to be honest, driverless cars aren’t all that special, it’s just another car that uses a battery instead of gasoline and fuel. But the real question is, are they safe for us to drive in? Well actually no not really, because only a couple of people that have their own electric cars have passed away. Also, a lot of people that have ever owned an electric car, or if they’ve even driven an electric car, have gotten into a crash before and have had multiple injuries. And I'm gonna talk about them to you. …show more content…

For example, we’ve made rocket ships, iPhones, TVs, and gaming consoles. Let’s just say there are even more incredible things than driverless cars. Also, you're probably wondering why I don’t like driverless cars so much. The reason why I don’t like driverless cars is because I don’t want to put my life into a robot’s hands. All robot’s are controlled by the Government, and nobody trusts the Government anyway, so I’m good at driverless cars. I know robots are supposed to be smarter than us, but they can still make as many mistakes as the average human

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