Draw Your Future Speech Analysis

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This speech, ‘Draw Your Future-Take Control of Your Life’, was delivered by Patti Dobrowolski. Dobrowolski is the founder of Up Your Creative Genius and this is a consulting firm that uses visuals and creative processes to help companies and people to accelerate growth and change. She has a Bachelors and Master degree and she is very well known for what she does.

Entering the stage, Dobrowolski recited a quote of the great Maya Angelou. By doing this she grasp the attention of the audience because she uses wise words of a great person. Dobrowolski also uses humor in the introduction to grasp the attention of the audience, of which were grown men and women dying to know how they can control their life.

The aim of this speech, ‘Draw Your Future’ was to inspire the audience and to tell them on the steps they can take to take control of their life. Patti represented an issue and she explained how you can get from being dissatisfied to being happy. She encouraged the audience to draw out the plan they have for themselves and to envision the better future. …show more content…

Anyone in the audience could’ve been hitting rock bottom, have no finances, have no nothing and her strategy to overcome only benefitted the persons that had something already. Her steps, SEE IT, BELIEVE IT and ACT ON IT, are easy to do and simple but what can someone do if they have nothing to build on. In this speech she didn’t address that, instead she went ahead and gave these steps. She also didn’t address the challenges and the difficulty in trying to do so. In the end, she did motivate but the way to make a better life was too

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