Dramatic Monologue

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I was suddenly seized with great fright. the world as I knew it seemed to me strange even tiny almost nonexistent. this heat, which seemed to me to be overwhelming, seems to me almost reassuring, and I will even say almost heavenly.

And in a split second everything stopped. I was frozen, unable to breathe, my head, my throat all the members of my body seemed to lose their vigor with the exception of my heart which continued to pump my blood a thousand miles. my eyes filled with tears and suddenly I realized that the dark days were behind me.

Were the streets of Amsterdam always so noisy? people everywhere, on every street corner people and even more people. Queues of people who never end. Laughter, shouting and more laughter. and the time that does not help and that reminds me of the darkness of London. Rain, clouds and a gloomy atmosphere almost suffocating. I feel tired.

when this fatigue consumes me so much I do not know. it took me one morning and since then he has not let me go. what life is like living in self-taught mode? We are always in routine mode. Ahh the routine! That takes you a shot and one morning you wake up sitting on the edge of your bed you contemplate without really looking at the shoes of the job next to the shirt ironed the day before and the tie …show more content…

What is life like to live in self-taught mode? We are always in routine mode. Ahh the routine! It takes a hit when you awake one morning and sit on the edge of your bed you contemplate the shoes and the shirt of the job tidying the day before next to the tie hanging on the chair. At that moment you realize that your life if it's still a life is not even worth a thousand of that eternal existence. Leaning on the kitchen table I fix my so-called projenitures. They who have never glimpsed the sun are statically seated like stone gargoyles sourcing industrial food that my wife has to prepare with the love of her

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