Dr. John Kotter's 8 Steps Organizational Change Analysis

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According to Beer et al. (2000), approximately 70% of all major change efforts in organizations fail. Research shows there are common characteristics that can be identify when determining my change initiatives fail. Change is the only constant. A process we have to embrace in our daily life. Organizations need to learn how to bring change for the better. For successful transformations

In a change process of any kind if its significant, you have to win over the hearts and the minds of people. Changes how we deal with people and the results we get. Trying to get people to think differently which in turn would change their behavior, but trying to get people to feel differently which in turn would their behavior.
Neurologist can explain how the …show more content…

John Kotter’s 8 Steps Organizational Change Model provides a holistic approach to the change process. Organizations should take into consideration all the 8 steps before implementing change initiatives in order to ensure the successful completion of the process. Change needs to happen, how to approach it ?? the model was design to enlighten innovation and change management needed to be brought to organizational leaders. Take into consideration that change requires time. Making critical mistakes in any steps can have devastating impacts, slowing momentum and hindering gains.
Step 1: Create the sense of urgency – people need to realize that the change that you want to create is important. We are use to our comfort zone and it could be scary to leave it. We like to stay in our routine and habits as. When change is needed, people must realize that there are only 2 options, change or die.
Step 2: Establish a powerful coalition - build a strong team of people that can influence and lead the change, drive change and move it forward. This group of people must feel and understand the urge of change. Unifies and works together to make change happen effectively and on a large …show more content…

Identify the obstacles and remove them. Give people the opportunity to be involved in the change. Give the others the opportunity to act so change happens and it not only stays as an idea. Encouragement during the process of risk-taking new ideas and innovative activities is critical for the team to remain energized and engaged.
Step 6: Create short-term wins – celebrate the victories. Set short-term goals for the very purpose of celebrating them. Celebrate the little wins, set little obstacles to create momentum, energy and positive thinking. People are more likely to jump on board and push with more effort if they experience victories/ witness victories. They need to get excited. It is important to enjoy the process; celebrating small wins will make the process a reflective experience. This reflection should target you to the next action as you keep pushing change to achieve the vision and look for opportunities to grow.
Step 7: Build on the change – Don’t forget the final destination. don’t loose the energy, don’t let up. Keep pushing, keep changing, keep driving, and keep moving forward until you reach the vision. “Change is the only constant” - Heraclitus. When you reach your vision, don’t settle, reevaluate and look for opportunities to grow. Growth comes with change. Push for

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