Domino's Pizza Case Study

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The Success Story of Domino’s Pizza, Inc.
Domino’s Pizza, Inc. is the true definition of an American Success story. From the humble beginnings in a single store to tens of thousands of stores spanning the globe we will take a look at what it takes to build a $900 loan into a corporate juggernaut that grosses billions in sales annually. Domino’s story is one of perseverance, cunning, innovation and foresight. Thomas Monaghan’s history and methods of accounting practices is one that any entrepreneur looking to get into business ownership can look to for inspiration and motivation.
Type of Business or Service Provided
Domino’s Pizza is an international pizza delivery franchise corporation headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The company has grown to include over 10,000 franchise and corporate stores in over 70 countries. With annual sales of $2.22 billion and gross profit of $683.1 million, Domino’s is the second largest pizza corporation in the world. (
According to the article found online, “Domino 's Pizza Mission Statement: To be the leader in delivering off-premise pizza convenience to consumers around the world. As a team united throughout the world, we will accomplish our Mission by: 1. Being fanatical about product quality and service …show more content…

For an example, the pizza tracker is a user friendly addition to their website that allows the customer to track the process of their order in real time. It lets you know who started your order, when it’s placed in the oven, who does quality control checks to make sure your order is correct, when it’s ready and the name of your delivery driver, if applicable. There is also a feature on the site that allows the customer to send messages of gratitude to the staff members letting them know they’re doing a great job. The personable interaction with the customer is a great way to keep customers

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