Domestic Abuse Against Men Essay

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Domestic abuse against males is a social problem as western society constructs masculine typologies which ignore male victims of abuse, creates a social stigma, prevents men from admitting to the abuse, and has a profound physical and psychological impact on the lives of men.
Defining the causes:
Faulty Laws/Government: This cause implies that the democratic government and the laws they have in place are pro-feminist and do not benefit males in any way. Whenever there is a domestic dispute, regardless of who is to blame or not, the males are typically the ones taken into custody or demanded to leave.
Pro-feminist laws: Pro-feminist laws are ones that are in favour of women’s rights and interests. In accordance, whenever there is a domestic …show more content…

Men also experience low self-esteem and emasculation as their identity is now challenged in terms of the unrealistic expectations males may encounter within limited masculine constructs.
Impact on the home, work, and society’s productivity: This statement is defined as the impact physical injuries may have on the livelihood of the victim. Men who sustain physical injuries may have difficulty performing their parental and home duties as well as miss work due to the severity of these injuries. If the man obtains a job of high importance, it may effect society’s productivity.
Permits the Abuse to continue/does not report the abuse: This statement involves the idea that because of the physical abuse and the effects it has on the man, men will not report the abuse as they may fear their partners, as well as, continue to let the abuse happen.

Psychological consequences: This is defined as the potential impact the abuse may have on the mental functions of the victim and how that may manifest into further

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