Dog Bite Law

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An Overview of Dog Bite Laws
If you or someone you know has experienced a dog bite, it is important to know what state laws can protect you. With that said, different states will have different levels of liabilities for dog owners. Whatever state you live in, you could receive financial compensation for the injuries you received that resulted from the attack. Dog bites can be dangerous. From the attack, a person can be affected in numerous ways. This can include, but is not limited to the following:

Anxiety resulting from the attack
Infection resulting from the bite
Other bodily injuries resulting from the attack Whether or not the dog bite resulted in an open wound, it is important to understand that there could be serious repercussions …show more content…

Depending on the region, a pet owner can have either civil or criminal responsibility when it comes to his or her pet. At times, the pet owner can face both forms of liability. When studying the appropriate laws, consider speaking to an attorney who has experience in the matter. Many laws can be ambiguous and often confusing. If you are unsure if you have a valid claim, a knowledgeable attorney can help you understand if you have a valid claim under the current …show more content…

Since every dog-bite case will be different in accordance to its facts, it is important to speak to a proficient attorney. An attorney who has the appropriate experience can help you determine if you have a valid case in your specific state. Negligent Dog Owners
It is important to understand that many strict liability laws will not help individuals who have suffered injuries that were not a direct result of a dog bite. For example, if a person jogging down a street was startled by a growling dog, which then resulted on the person jumping into oncoming traffic, the owner will likely not be held liable for the accident. This is because there was not actual bite from the animal. While this is true in many states, there are other avenues in which a person can still file for a claim in attempt to receive restitution for his or her injuries. For instance, a person can claim that the injury sustained was due to the pet owner’s negligence. A negligent pet owner can be any of the following:

A pet owner who failed to meet the appropriate laws regarding fencing to ensure that the pet does not leave his or her

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