Does Death Affect A Character's Personal Quest?

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I have chosen the theme Personal Quest
In my opinion, a personal quest is a quest in which you discover who you are day after day. During your personal quest, you feel moments of utter fulfilment and moments where you could not go further. This journey is endless, the discoveries are fresh every day and no matter how much you might know about yourself, there will be times you will lose your way. Your personal quest does not stagnate it is always evolving each step of your life further fuels your life quest how does Death affect a character's personal quest?
Throughout this essay, I will use three documents we studied in class to demonstrate my thesis :
Act 1 scene 5 Hamlet
Act 3 scene 1 Hamlet
The gOdFather
Angela’s ashes
Indeed in both stories, the protagonist must face death at one point or another. And death will play a major role in affecting the character's lifelong quest …show more content…

This tragedy was written around 1601 or 1602. Death is the pervading theme of the play.
The play revolves entirely on death. It was the death of Hamlet’s father that becomes the focal point of the play. Little by little the revelations come with the aid of his father’s ghost. His uncle, Claudius, killed his father and married his mother, Gertrude.
Hamlet is the Prince of Denmark, the title character, and the hero of the play. He is the son of Queen Gertrude and the late King

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