Diversity Issues In The United States

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Diversity Issues – gender, disability, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation

Diversity issues In the line of work exist a wide range of diversity issues that are affecting more the middle age group population up to retirements. We are talking about the individual who is the major contribute to a household. The population of United State is rich of the diver’s culture, language, traditions, support system, and values. According to Edward Gordon, (2010), “more than fourteen million Americans are unemployed today. And three million stem-related jobs were vacant across the US economy.” These numbers were stated through different firms, which recognized the existence of a grand number of unemployed population that do not have the skills needed that businesses are required to survive in a competency world market. The technology keep changing and most of the business companies need to refine their job structure to be able to compete and most of the adult population do not have those …show more content…

Carnevale, (2010), stated that “at least sixty three percent of Americans more than forty six jobs will required some college education.” This analysis stated that if the current education to employment system remains unchanged by 2018 the United States will fall short by three million post-secondary degree. Of the twenty two million college degree in the workforce. In addition American workforce will need 4.7 million new postsecondary career certificates. The diversity issues can include the gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, lack of skills, lack of proper education, and disability. Understanding that the more adult the person is, the harder will be to find a job position that could match their experience or education level if they had one. Providing them with new skills hands on at their comprehend level it might facilitate their possibilities of a new career. Likewise, it will be individual’s that might retire soon due to their advance

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