Distributed Database Analysis

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In the past, most of the databases were centralized, protected, and kept in a one location using a complicated database system known as centralized database. Nowadays, with the new technology of personal computers and cell phones, a new sort of database has appeared, and it seems that majority of people are pleasant with it, even if their private data is split everywhere. Many enterprises had changed their databases from the centralized databases, into the distributed database system, since it meets the demand of accessing and processing the data in the organization. Distributed database technology is considered as one of the most remarkable developments in this century (Ozsu, 1991; Rahimi & Haug, 2010; Cain, 2012). Distributed databases are basically a collection of databases that are divided on multiple computers which are connected logically but located in different physical locations, and each site manages its own local data. In contrast, centralized database is a database that is located in a one location and it is considered as a big single database (Connolly & Begg, 2010).

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