A discourse community is a group of individuals all with relatively the same ending goal or original interest that all have their own way of participation and have different motives, it is easier to feel more included in a discourse community once literacy achieved. Discourse communities can be found in many different places; it is just a matter of what is being looked for. These communities can come from the entire population, all of the people who speak the English language, any place of education, restaurants, any home, or even at the gym/ recreation center. In order to become literate in the fitness discourse community the differences in basic motives, the values that are important, and the places available to work out at must be understood. …show more content…
When it comes down to it everyone ends up working out because it becomes a part of their everyday life style and they enjoy doing it. A person who is slightly overweight would get into the gym for weight loss and quickly see that there are many other people around working towards the same goal. Progress becomes easier when encouragement is received from others. Whether it is said or not everyone has their own motive to go to the gym, that easily separates people in this discourse community. However, it also brings unity to their own group. Every person finds fitness for a different reason, but everyone sticks with it for the same reason. They either like the way they feel after they workout or they like the way they look after they workout, besides that there are very few other reasons in between. Once this is understood, it is easy to become literate in the fitness …show more content…
When it comes to choice of where to workout it is a complete personal preference. Some people do not like the thought of people staring at them or watching them workout because they are not at the place they wish to be at yet. This is only one other thing that sets people in this discourse community apart from themselves. In some instances, this can become a disadvantage for the person pushing towards a specific goal. Certain goals can be pushed to the side or completely forgotten about because of the discomfort people feel placing themselves in a place like a gym for the first time. Once the issue is pushed aside it is quickly seen that within this discourse community everyone has the possibility of finding their place and becoming literate within the fitness
In the article “The Concept of Discourse Community” John Swales touches a few very important main ideas about what discourse community really is. I found it to be refreshing that he is able to express his feelings how he does in this article. Swales talks about discourse community and how our world today really isn 't that good at being apart of them. He discusses the six qualities or characteristics of being apart of a discourse community. You have to be active in communicating and wanting to be apart of that community and if you 're not that type of person than maybe it 's not your thing.
This is essentially reinforcing the second characteristic as well as stating that a discourse community should provide information and feedback through its means of communication. Sticking with the basketball team example, information and feedback would be given to the players, to critique them. They may have meetings with their whole team or separately with the coach. They’re given constructive criticism by their players and coaches for the betterment of the team.
“A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals, has mechanisms of intercommunication among its members, uses its participatory
Community is like a Venn diagram. It is all about relations between a finite group of people or things. People have their own circles and, sometimes, these circles overlap one another. These interceptions are interests, common attitudes and goals that we share together. These interceptions bond us together as a community, as a Venn diagram. A good community needs good communication where people speak and listen to each other openly and honestly. It needs ti...
As put by Jen Waak in regarding the human need for community, “By surrounding yourself with others working toward a similar goal, you’ll get...yourself a bit further than you would have done on your own,” (Waak). By being able to see and participate in these different communities centered around different objectives, the goal becomes easier to achieve and bonds the group into something more through trying to reach it. This new unit is called a discourse community and is defined by John Swales as containing six specific characteristics: having a common goal, showing intercommunication and using lexis, having participation within the group, being defined by genres of texts, and having members with areas of expertise for the community. When looking
The gym is a place where a typical American college student goes to work out their bodies. Based on the fact that I personally could be considered a gym rat, a stereotypical name for someone who spends a lot of time in the work out area. This is partially by choice being on the swim team requires the strength training equipment that is available to our disposal in the gym. While I have been to the gym many times I haven’t really taken the time to take in the other people around me. Within this ethnographic exercise I will explore the college gym norms within Roger Williams University.
A discourse community is a group of people with relatively the same goals and interest to achieve a specific goal. Discourse communities gain there members by qualification, shared objectives, training, or persuading others to join their discourse community. In order for a group to be a discourse community, they must have their own languages, text, rules, and ethics that will make the discourse community run more efficiently. They will also have a form of intercommunication among the group to keep everyone involved or informed with upcoming events or just important news. Discourse communities will have a type of mechanism to provide feedback to help improve the group. The participatory mechanisms provide feedback from inside and outside of
I was able to gain knowledge about the different parts of the body which are important in the field of bodybuilding. I discover that there are main muscle groups and each of these muscle groups have different parts. For example, the main muscle groups would be the chest, back, arms, shoulders and legs. Now each of these main muscle groups have more that one part, your arms has biceps, triceps and a forearms. Each of these parts are made up or many more segments that can construct a list that can go on for a while. Gaining such a vast understanding of my body was thrilling. I was able to understand all the parts of my body. I am confident that I know almost every muscle group that is in the known human body. After learning about each individual muscle, I was then able to move on to the next step understanding how to train these individual muscle groups. I figured out that there are different routines that you have to follow in order to train each muscle. For example, your legs can be split into different muscles segments such as the quads, calves, and hamstrings. Once I isolated each muscle segment I was able to find workouts for each of them. For the quadriceps you would do workouts known as a barbell squat, lunges and reverse leg curls. Then after finding this out I had to
DISCOURSE COMMUNITY #1 Name of Discourse Community: The Salvation Army URL: http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/ Brief Description of Community: The Salvation Army is an international nonprofit organization that meets the local needs of their community by offering spiritual, physical, and emotional services. They also offer immediate relief, short-term care, and long-term growth in the areas that will best benefit the community.
They are each part of a discourse community due to the fact that they share similar goals, interests, values, and beliefs, just as described
A discourse community is a term defined in different ways by different authors. Swales' chapter "The concept of discourse community" tries to define discourse community more closely and to give some real-life examples. The first part of this piece of work I found to be exceptionally valuable because it broadened my understanding of the topic. Swales provided the overview what other authors said about discourse communities and what were their standpoint and examples, and how he agreed or disagreed or supplemented their thoughts and definitions. Compared to other authors I have encountered writing about this issue, I find Swales' work the most helpful because in its section 2.3.
A discourse community is a group of individuals all with relatively the same ending goal or original interest that all have their own way of participation and have different motives. Literacy in a discourse community will result in more involvement and understanding of the group itself. Discourse communities can be discovered in several different places; it is just a matter of the desired interest. The entire population is divided into discourse communities whether they are large or small. Every person’s interests put them within a discourse community, whether it is desired or not.
“A discourse community is a group of people who share similar goals or purposes and use communication to achieve these goals” (Swales 220). Discourse Communities are thought to have six characteristics according to John Swales in his excerpt “The Concept of a Discourse Community.” Swales stated that “These characteristics being the community has a set of common goals known to the public, mechanisms for communication, mechanisms to provide feedback, has one or more genres of communication, an acquired specific lexis, and a level of members with relevant expertise to this content” (Swales 221). “Keys to Success” is the name of a learning community for first-year freshmen offered at the University of Memphis. I am a part of this community, of
Therefore, to be a community of practice members must interact with and learn from each other. The Practice - the community must include practitioners, they should be expert in their field and be able to share stories, skills, best practices and develop a shared repertoire of resources and
Schmidt and Vande Kopple introduce the analysis of discourse communities states that each discipline has a certain way in how they share information, analysis, make claims, and communicate in their discourse community. This is significant to note because different discipline consist of different audiences. Sociology is particular, as a discourse community connects with those within the same field thus, it is important for the writers to properly communicate their research through proper organization and argument structure in a way that gives them credibility in their discourse community. In this Ethnography, I will be using Schmidt and Vande Kopple’s analysis of discourse community to explain Sociology as a discourse community which is exemplified