Discourse Community Research Paper

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A discourse community is a group of individuals all with relatively the same ending goal or original interest that all have their own way of participation and have different motives, it is easier to feel more included in a discourse community once literacy achieved. Discourse communities can be found in many different places; it is just a matter of what is being looked for. These communities can come from the entire population, all of the people who speak the English language, any place of education, restaurants, any home, or even at the gym/ recreation center. In order to become literate in the fitness discourse community the differences in basic motives, the values that are important, and the places available to work out at must be understood. …show more content…

When it comes down to it everyone ends up working out because it becomes a part of their everyday life style and they enjoy doing it. A person who is slightly overweight would get into the gym for weight loss and quickly see that there are many other people around working towards the same goal. Progress becomes easier when encouragement is received from others. Whether it is said or not everyone has their own motive to go to the gym, that easily separates people in this discourse community. However, it also brings unity to their own group. Every person finds fitness for a different reason, but everyone sticks with it for the same reason. They either like the way they feel after they workout or they like the way they look after they workout, besides that there are very few other reasons in between. Once this is understood, it is easy to become literate in the fitness …show more content…

When it comes to choice of where to workout it is a complete personal preference. Some people do not like the thought of people staring at them or watching them workout because they are not at the place they wish to be at yet. This is only one other thing that sets people in this discourse community apart from themselves. In some instances, this can become a disadvantage for the person pushing towards a specific goal. Certain goals can be pushed to the side or completely forgotten about because of the discomfort people feel placing themselves in a place like a gym for the first time. Once the issue is pushed aside it is quickly seen that within this discourse community everyone has the possibility of finding their place and becoming literate within the fitness

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