Disaster, PTSD, And Psychological Aid

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This brief essay will examine more closely the topics of disaster, PTSD, and psychological first aid. Disasters in the in this context come in two forms. Natural (earthquake, hurricane, floods, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, drought or any other form of disaster not created by man) and man-made (war, rape, abuse or any other traumatic event created by a human and projected onto another human). Each of these events listed above both natural and man-made have the potential to produce Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. The question ultimately becomes whether or not utilizing the principles of psychological first aid can prevent or mitigate the severity of either or both of these disorders. It is important to identify what psychological first aid is. “Psychological first aid describes a humane, supportive response to a fellow human being who is suffering and who may need support. Psychological first aid involves the following themes (World Health Organization, 2011): - providing practical care and support, which does not intrude; - assessing needs and concerns; - helping people to address basic needs …show more content…

The most interesting fact garnered from the reading was psychological first aid being utilized as an alternative to “psychological debriefing” which has been found to be ineffective. In contrast, psychological first aid involves factors that seem to be most helpful to people’s long-term recovery (according to various studies and the consensus of many crisis helpers). These include (World Health Organization, 2011): feeling safe, connected to others, calm and hopeful, having access to social, physical and emotional support; and feeling able to help themselves, as individuals and

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