The Characteristics Of Crisis Intervention

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Have you ever been in a crisis? I’m sure everyone has encountered a crisis at least once in his or her lives before, just like this assignment is a crisis to me. For this assignment, I am going to write about the characteristics, skills, therapeutic conditions and models are applied in the process of crisis intervention.

Firstly, the characteristics of crisis are listed below.

Presence of danger and opportunity
Crisis is both danger and opportunity. Why? Crisis is beneficial when it instigates an individual to seek help, go beyond their fundamental coping skills and to acquire new skills to cope with the situation, hence becoming more capable and independent when new crisis arises in the future. “It is an opportunity as the pain and helplessness urges the individual to pursue help” (Aguilera & Messick, 1982) Crisis is also dangerous when the individual is overwhelmed with pain and anxiety, causing the individual to result in negativity. “It is dangerous as it can cause the individual to be overwhelmed to the degree causing serious disorders, including suicide and homicide, may ensue.” (Danish, 1977).

Seeds of growth and change
Crisis may provide motivation to an individual to change for the better. When an individual is comfortable in their environment; he or she tends to be contented, satisfied with …show more content…

It is also how the counselor enters the situation on hand; he or she can introduce himself or herself in a non-threatening manner to establish a helpful, problem-solving connection. “The skill to convey authentic and empathy as to whom and whatever one is doing without pretense is significant” (Kleepies & Richmond, 2009). It is important to build a connection psychologically, establish rapport and to make intentions clear regarding to what is going to happen for the intervention to be

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