Disability Discrimination In The Workplace

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People with disabilities face widespread discrimination in the Workplace. People with disabilities are not a homogeneous group. They may have a physical disability, a sensory, intellectual or mental disability. They may have had a disability from birth, or acquired this in their childhood, teenage years or later in life, during further education or while in employment. Their disability may have little impact on their ability to work and take part in society, or it may have a major impact, requiring considerable support and assistance (BAYEFSY, A 1990). It is increasingly apparent that disabled people not only have a valuable contribution to make to the national economy but that their employment also reduces the cost of disability benefits and may reduce poverty. There is a strong business case for employing people with disabilities since they are often qualified for a particular job. Employers may also gain by expanding the number of eligible workers through continuing the employment of those who become disabled, since valuable expertise acquired on the job and through work-related training is retained. Throughout the world, people with disabilities are participating and contributing in the world of work at all levels. However, many persons with disabilities who want to work do not have the opportunity to work due to many barriers. "The Americans With Disabilities Act is one of the most significant laws in American History. The preamble to the law states that it covers 43,000,000 Americans."(BAYEFSY, A 1990). Before the Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A. was passed, employers were able to deny employment to a disabled worker, simply because he or she was disabled. With no other reason other than the person’s physical disa... ... middle of paper ... ...al Law" (1990) 11 Human Rights Law Journal 1 Cameron, F "NSW ADT: Scope for Inquisitorial Procedures in the New Administrative Decisions Tribunal" (1997) 35(7) Law Society Journal 41 Coliver, S (ed) Striking a Balance: Hate Speech, Freedom of Expression and Non-Discrimination (Human Rights Centre, University of Essex, London, 1992) Hennessy, N & Smith, P "NSW Racial Vilification Laws Five Years On" (1994) 1(1) Australian Journal of Human Rights 249 Hepple, B and Szyszczak, E (eds) Discrimination: The Limits of the Law (Mansell, London, 1992) Hunter, R and Leonard, A The Outcomes of Conciliation in Sex Discrimination Cases (Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law, Working Paper No 8, University of Melbourne, August 1995) Naughton, R (ed) Workplace Discrimination and the Law (Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law, University of Melbourne, 1995)

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