Dilemmas That May Arise Between Duty Of Care And An Individual's Well-Being

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Explain what it means to have a duty of care in your own work role Put simply, having a duty of care means being responsible for your individual's health, safety and well-being. Examples include personal care, medication administration, feeding, shopping, and other physical activities. Explain how the duty of care relates to the duty of candour.The understanding of the duty of care can help a support worker to fulfill the requirements of the duty of candour. It is the duty of care that persuades a support worker to admit their adversative action and leads them to perform their duty of candour by confessing the mistake before the individual being supported. Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding and protecting of individuals right to live in safety and be free from abuse and improper treatment. It helps to ensure that …show more content…

Sometimes the duty to safeguard an individual's well-being may come into direct conflict with an individual's right to make choices of their own free will. It is likely that an individual you care for may make decisions that will have a negative effect on them. However, it is the duty of the support staff to explain the reason and importance of such a duty of care to the individual being supported. Explain how to work effectively with individuals and others to address conflicts and dilemmas related to duty of care in order to achieve positive outcomes for individuals. This can be done by asking why they made their decision, explaining the risks involved so that they can make an informed decision. Their care plan also has to be duly followed with the completion of a risk assessment form. Individuals we support should also be helped to minimize some potential risks, after which advice can be sought from the manager. Outline where to access additional support and advice about addressing conflicts and dilemmas in a care

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