Differentiated Instructional Strategies

653 Words2 Pages

Differentiated Instructional Strategies; A Book Report Introduction Since the emergence of life on the earth, man has always been eager to learn something new. Be it how to get heat from light or how make tools by sharpening the stones with the help of stones, there have been attempts to learn more and more. This appetite to know more, evolved with the passage of time and man realized that with the help of better and tested ways, learning could be made easy. This gave birth to teaching and education. More researchers entered into this domain and they discovered the thin line that segregates teaching from educating. Yes, for most of us these both are interchangeable words but a closer eye on both of them tells us a different story. Let’s talk about it in a little detail; teaching is a phenomenon when a teacher is more concerned with delivering the lecture and going back. Regardless of knowing how much of the lecture students have grabbed. While a teacher when plans to educate the students with heart and soul, a real dedication are the first requirement he/she fulfills besides adopting the appropriate techniques depending on audience. Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All by educators and education specialists Gayle H. Gregory and Carolyn Chapman is an attempt in the same direction. Yes, the book is focused on taking the level of learning as high as possible by adopting varying techniques for varying learners. This is an informative, and user friendly guide specially written for classroom teachers, in order to introduce them to the method of differentiated instruction that involves carefully adapting curriculum and instructional approaches to the specific and individual learning needs of each student in...

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...tive resource merges practice with the best of learning-styles, brain-based learning, and multiple intelligence theory to create specific instructional techniques for the high-challenge, low-threat differentiated classroom. In my opinion, it is an important resource for any teacher, new or experienced, who wants to help every student in the classroom learn and succeed. It has also changed my views about the teaching and educating paradigms. Earlier, I had an idea that one single and comprehensive technique could be applied on all the students. But having adopted ideas and concepts presented in this book, I came to know that modifications in teaching and instructing techniques is a must to do when it comes to really enhancing the level of learning. References Gayle H. Gregory, Carolyn Chapman, Differentiated Instructional Strategies One Size Doesn’t Fit all

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