Cause And Effect Essay On Suicide

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Many people die from suicide. About one million die a year from suicide. In 2010 suicide was the tenth leading cause of death, also in 2010 a person died every thirteen point seven minutes from suicide. People who die from suicide vary in age. People from different age groups die at different rates from suicide. In 2010 people from age fifteen to twenty four had a death rate of ten point five, people from age forty five to sixty four had a death rate of eighteen point six, people ages eighty five and over had a death rate of seventeen point six. There are different reasons why people decide to end their own life. One reason could be because of bullying. Suicide related to bullying formed the CDC (centers for disease control and prevention). In …show more content…

Each person is different in their reasons why. There are many different types of suicide; anniversary suicide, accidental suicide, drug abuse, imitative suicide, homicide suicide, heroic suicide, physician assisted suicide and many more. Anniversary suicide is when a person commits suicide on the anniversary of a loved one. Accidental suicide is when a person’s idea to commit suicide is careless and spare of the moment. Drug abuse suicide is when drugs could have been the persuasion to commit suicide. Imitative suicide is when the person follows the suicide of a loved one. Homicide suicide is when a person wants to kill a person but in return kills him or herself instead, and heroic suicide is when a person takes their life in an honorable way such as saving a person from a fire or jumping in the way of a car to save someone else’s life. Physician assisted suicide is when a person asks their doctor to help them commit suicide. People who are already dieing are in a lot of pain but doctors won’t give them the necessary medication to stop the patient’s pain because they are afraid of health departments and drug agents finding out. This is why people would rather die because

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