Differences Between Father and Mothers

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Differences between Parents The hardest job anyone will have in life is raising a child. At times it will drive you insane, at other times it is a blessing. Mothers and fathers work as a team to raise their young, one parent offering something that the other does not. Mom’s role is to provide unconditional love and care for their child. Dads Role is to shape their child into an effective adult. There are many differences between mothers and fathers such as the way they interact with their child. One way mothers and fathers are different is Mothers are more worrisome than fathers. Mothers are always worried that their young will get hurt, sometimes being over-protective. Dads encourage their kids to play sports that moms wouldn’t approve of, even joining in on play and playing rough. Mothers are always freaking out when their child is sick, rushing them to the doctor when they only have a common cold. On the other hand, dads know it’s just a common cold and it will clear up in no time. No matter the issue, no matter where they are, or what they are doing, Mothers are always worried about their child’s well-being. Another way parents interact with their child that is different is fathers play more with their children and are more hands on while playing. In an online article “Why Fathers are Important.” By Joan E. Lefebvre, Joan states “Fathers use more physical contact and spend a larger portion of time playing 40 percent versus 25 percent for mothers.” Dads are always picking their kids up by their feet, rolling around on the ground with them, and playing catch with them. When moms play they are more careful, using children’s toys to play. Moms are also more of a crafty type they do crafts with their children or color, so t... ... middle of paper ... ...ay by himself, or outside. When the son is older she give him money when he asks, lets him go wherever he pleases, buys him extra presents for his birthday. Dads Like their sons to work for what they want, so dad will ask his son to do chores for money, or even chores before he goes out with friends. Mothers and fathers work as a great team together and their differences give the child something that the others do not. Mothers offer security and are more nurturing. Fathers Offer more hands-on play and teach their kids to be more independent. Mothers are more repetitive to their kids to teach them new things. Dads show their kids things so that they learn. Mothers pamper their sons, making them feel loved and special. Dads are strict with their daughters to keep them safe. The differences between mothers and fathers create a good balance for raising their child.

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