Difference Between Maggie And Dee

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This essay Is going to go In-depth about the unorthodox differences between two siblings, primarily the oldest sibling by the name of Dee, and secondly the youngest Maggie who each have their own extraordinary differences. Throughout this essay the differences between the two are going to be conveyed, firstly, the overview of this essay Is primarily the tradition, following the human qualities, furthermore how their lives are complete opposites, including their morals, and concluding with the simultaneous events that have been experienced In both their lives. Maggie, and Dee, are sought out to be complete opposites because of the way they act, and their varied differences of view. To sum up, this essay Is going to convey the majority of differences that these two characters share. One difference that vary’s among the two are their looks on life. Maggie Is an extremely shy person, who keeps to herself. She shares qualities with that of a modest, humble person, as she Is described In the article. Maggie, Is the …show more content…

Dee Is the opposite of Maggie, because Dee Is socially out there, Incomparable to Maggie who Is the total opposite. The human qualities that she contains are being ignorant to her family as a result of her thinking she Is better than others especially her family based on the several comments made by their mother stated on page 46, paragraph 2, line 13-14, “ A pleasant surprise, of course: What would they do if a parent and child came on the show only to curse out and insult each other?” that provides an atmosphere of hostility, and expresses a troubled relationship between the two. Dee Is extremely self-centered and always looking for ways to improve herself, and bring herself more and more to the top. She does not care whatsoever about earning the approval of her Mother, or Maggie, hence making It almost Impossible to have a decent relationship with her

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