Difference Between Classroom Management And Behaviour Support

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Classroom management and behaviour support are closely intertwined sharing similar end goals, to help students exhibit expected/ wanted pro-social behaviour in and out of the classroom. However the two approaches take different routes to achieve this main aim (McDonald, 2013)

Classroom management directs its self more to everyday classroom running, with a technical definition of effective classroom management it stating that it can be defined as an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of skills, techniques/ practical approaches that a teacher can use to support and foster positive behaviors throughout the classroom (Cooper, 2013). Compared to behaviour support, which is seen as an element …show more content…

Behaviour support inarticulacy indicates to me explicit teaching of the correct/wanted behaviour that the teacher is wishing to see displayed within the classroom. With classroom management indicating a bank of resources that a teacher is able to adapted and mold to fit their classroom to help with the daily running of the class, such as a daily schedule and class rules.

When it comes to being inclusive towards classroom management and behaviour supports teacher need to be willing to differentiate. Some students will need more support that others when it comes to following set rules or instructions (Prior, 2013) Teachers need to be willing to set small and achievable behavioral goals for each student that best meets their abilities and needs, meaning that every child has a different goal that they are trying to achieve (Hill & Brown, …show more content…

In modern classrooms, teachers celebrate each child’s differences and embrace what they bring to the classroom. Teachers are responsible for ensure that they utilize a wide verity of techniques and strategies that enable all students to shine (Ambrose et. al., 2010)

Personally feel that inclusive education should look like every single child looking forward to attending school. They should know that when they walk through the classroom doors they will be welcomed and accepted for who they are and that their uniqueness will be embraced and well catered for. This should transpire not only the walls of the classroom but the entire school.

Implementing inclusive behaviour in the classroom can take many forms one of the main forms should be differentiation, this could include, planning for individual learning styles, including students interest within the lessons, having alternative assessment tasks, group work, peer learning buddies and overall just being more adaptive in general classroom

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