Inclusive Education Reflection Paper

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Prior to Introduction to Inclusive Education, I viewed people with disabilities from the separation perspective. They were the obvious group of individuals, the people motioning down the street with canes, walking with obedient guide dogs, parking within the blue lines, sitting in the reserved seats at the front of the bus, staring in the designated section to see the sign language interpretation, and the people who simply didn’t blend in with the rest. People with disabilities were different and incapable to perform like others; or if they could perform, they needed assistance at all times. I held this viewpoint, not because I wanted to, but because society played a critical role in my outlook.
However, with the depth of foundational knowledge through the course, I now perceive people with disabilities according to the colorful, circled image above labeled, …show more content…

Jackson and her entire household was the perfect model of inclusion. During our initial meeting, Ms. Jackson said, “All I know is children with disabilities. I don’t know what a ‘normal’ child is like.” From her passion, I learned that normal is in the eye of the beholder, similar to the expression, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Every child with a disability is normal, though some people don’t see that. That’s a critical lesson my family experience taught me. If I could do it again, I would see if it’s feasible to spend time with Brittany in school. I wonder if my presence through the rapport established in the house would positively impact her, like when the sound of the doorbell silenced her yelling at another child placed in the home. In addition, I would happily repeat my inclusive practice of learning every child in Ms. Jackson’s home, rather than gearing my assignment to Brittany alone. As a foster parent with diverse disabilities, Ms. Jackson’s home became my classroom, and it gave me confidence to know that inclusion is possible; it’s practical; and it’s

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