Difference Between Anthropology And Anthropology

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Mergim Mehmeti Anthropology 1001 March, 22,2016
The definition of race is a group of people sharing thing such as history, culture, and language. Although, this doesn’t go for every race, in every country in the world. Around the world race is interpreted in different ways. According to American Anthropological Association(AAA) “From its inception, this modern concept of "race" was modeled after an ancient theorem of the Great Chain of Being, which posited natural categories on a hierarchy established by God or nature. Thus "race" was a mode of classification linked specifically to peoples in the colonial situation”. …show more content…

Anthropology can teach us about how a race was constructed, about how it is determined, and the similarities and differences between races in different countries of the world. Anthropology can teach you about the Burakumin in Japan, the whites in the United States, and the pretos in the cities of Brazil. Anthropology is all about the “how” and “why” and this is exactly what we need when talking about race, how was it constructed in different countries throughout the world, and why was it even constructed in the first place. Anthropology opens doors to answers that have never been revealed simply because nobody was seeking them. Now that people are seeking them, and exploring new ideas, and living throughout these ideas, they will furthermore answer questions that we have been trying to answer for a long time. According to Smedley “What is so striking about the American experience in creating such an extreme conception of human differences was the role played by scientists and scholars in legitimizing the folk ideas. Scholarly writers began attempting to prove scientifically that "the Negro" was a different and lower kind of human being”. This shows that although anthropologists aren’t always correct, but this just leads them closer to the correct

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