Did Rosa Parks Face On Money

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Rosa Parks should have her face on money. Mostly because she stood up for her rights and told everyone what she was thinking. The reason why I chose her is because she speaks her mind, she does not care what people think, and she will stand up for anyone even herself. She does not care about how people look at her or even how they treat her. All she cares about is her safety and her country. Rosa Parks should have her face on money because, she will always do anything to help her country, she will never stop believing in herself, and she will stand up for anybody and even herself. She deserves to have her face on money.

Rosa Parks is so kind to everyone but when she was on that bus she had the right to be sitting. She should not of had …show more content…

The flawless character and quiet strength she exhibited successfully ignited action in others. For this, many believe Rosa Parks' act was the event that sparked the Civil Rights movement.Rosa Parks’ defiance of an unfair segregation law, which required black passengers to defer to any white person who needed a seat by giving up their own, forever changed race relations in America. She was not the first African American to do this. In fact, two other black women had previously been arrested on buses in Montgomery and were considered by civil rights advocates as potential touch points for challenging the law. However, both women were rejected because community leaders felt they would not gain support. Rosa Parks, with her flawless character, quiet strength, and moral fortitude, was seen as an ideal candidate. And those community leaders were right: Rosa Parks’ subsequent arrest by local police sparked a collective and sustained community response. As one young Montgomery resident said at the time, city officials had “messed with the wrong one now.” The boycott of public buses by blacks in Montgomery lasted 381 days, marking the country’s first large-scale demonstration against

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