How Did Rosa Parks Affect The Civil Rights Movement

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Rosa Parks, with civil disobedience and support from the public, has become an icon for the Civil Rights movement and the change in segregation laws. In 1948, Rosa Parks made a statement that started a revolution, she didn’t get up. On December 1st, 1955, Rosa had started the Montgomery Bus Boycott. On that day, she was asked to moved to the back of a Alabama bus for a white citizen to sit down. She refused. Little do people know, twelve years earlier, blacks were allowed to pay at the front of the bus but were not allowed to walk past whites to get to their segregated section. So, they were required to get off the bus and re-enter through the back entrance. So one rainy day, the driver allowed Parks to walk past to get to a seat, purposely sitting in a white citizens, acting as if she was picking up her purse. Then making the driver so angry he forced Parks to get off and walk 5 miles home in the rain. “I’d see the bus pass every day. But to me, that was a way of life; we had no choice but to accept what was the custom. The bus was among the first …show more content…

Later being referred to as, “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement”. “I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice for all people”(“Rosa Parks Quotes”). One of the awards she received was the Martin Luther King Jr. Nonviolent Peace prize. Which is only presented to people that presented non-violence in efforts to change America. Overall, Rosa Parks, with the support of the black community & many other people, become a huge icon in the Civil Rights movement. Because of the Montgomery Bus Boycott it changed the view for many people on how they treated each other back then. Even though Rosa may not have realized at the time how much of an impact she would make, the reaction that she had to the Montgomery Bus Boycott made many benefits on how we treated each other

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