Diary Entries for Juliet

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Diary Entries for Juliet

Dear Diary,

My time has come, I knew it would come soon, I am soon to be married.

I don't know what to do or what to think. When I was told the news my

life flashed before my eyes, I saw myself in a loveless marriage,

sitting at home in old clothes, slaving over a hot stove all day and

looking after the children, what kind of a future is that?

Getting married is an honour, because it shows you are wanted and the

older you are the less likely you are to get married and your parents

will have to look after you. I don't want to disappoint my parents,

but I truly feel marriage, at this stage in my life, is not what I


I am not ready to make such a commitment. The man I am meant to marry

I'm to meet at this party my father is throwing. I am supposed to like

him, what happens if I don't? Even if I like him, I certainly don't

want to marry him.

My father, I think, will give me some say in the matter, after all it

is my life and he is meant to love and respect me. My nanny is more

like my mother, my mother and father weren't around much when I was

growing up and I feel a really strong bond between the nanny and I and

she will support me whatever I choose, if I get to choose.

This party is going to be the worst yet, I'm not even bothered about

what I'm going to wear. Also I can't enjoy myself because I know soon

I could marry, possibly to someone who is not right for me.

Come to think of it I know nothing about this man, how is the marriage

supposed to last anyway? HELP! I can hear my mother calling, got to



Dear Diary,

Romeo, Romeo, I am in love with Romeo, not with the man my dad picked,


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