Dialogic Pedagogy Essay

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Reflection #1
Dialogic pedagogy can be viewed as a way to use classroom talk as a method for enhancing learning, by encouraging students to interact with, and respond to, other people’s ideas (Godinho, 2016). According to Ron Ritchhart (2008, as cited in Godinho, 2016), there are eight different ‘leverage points’ that should be observed to foster dialogic pedagogy, however for the purposes of this reflection I will be critically analysing the lesson presented by Group B in relation to three of these elements: opportunities, interactions and relationships, and the physical environment.

Within Group B’s biology lesson, students were asked to form groups and discuss, debate and analyse the effects of homeostasis. This group activity utilised Ritchhart dialogic principle of ‘opportunity’, as students were given the time to actively engage with one another (2008, as cited in Godinho, 2016). Students were given opportunity to purposefully consider the content, as they listened to one another's ideas, debated which sections of content are the most important, and reflected on which pieces of information they could apply to their own lives. This activity was effective not only because students were interacting in a meaningful way, but also because the teachers left a significant amount of time for students to complete the work, which …show more content…

According to Ritchhart, students should have a fundamental understanding of how positive interactions and relationships assist collaboration (2008, as cited in Godinho, 2016). This was encouraged through the activity as each group had a teacher assisting them, who was able to utilize effective discussion techniques, and could model the beginnings of a collaborative classroom. This technique was particularly effective it helped to establish good practices for future peer-to-peer discussion, and encouraged students to value

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