Dialogue Essays: Lessons Learned

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Lessons Learned Several days passed by and Ambur woke one morning to find it dark and cloudy. He could sense this day would be a rainy one. So he took his time, fixed some coffee and got breakfast ready for he and Honeysuckle. It wasn’t one of those days where it might shower briefly and then stop. It looked like it was one of those 'all day' rainy days. Honeysuckle asked, “What are you going to do today?” Ambur paused for a second to gather his thoughts and said, “I think I want to take a walk with Lucinda. We have some things to talk about. School, life, the future … stuff like that. And we’ll have fun looking at wildlife and skipping stones on the pond." “I’m sure you’ll toss some poetry at her too! … just don’t be too boring please? She’s just 12 years old!” said Honeysuckle. Ambur then said, “Well, you’re not that much older!” “Yeah, but we trolls age at a different rate.” “I gotta go,” said Ambur and he and Sampson left to visit Lucinda. He wanted to get there before she left with Frances or went in town to shop with her mom. Sampson flew high over the tree tops keeping an eye on everything. When Ambur approached the house Kimberly was already outside getting ready for her morning run. Let’s Take A Walk If you take a walk with me, We’ll explore together. I’ll show you some new things you’ll see, Never mind the weather! Won’t matter if it’s cold or hot, There’s always things to find. Won’t matter if it rains a lot, I’m sure the ducks won’t mind. Just take a walk with open eyes, And an open mind as well. We’ll find bees and butterflies, And Woodland Phlox to smell! When you get tired we will rest, Beneath a tall red oak. But soon we’ll need to head back west, Before the bu... ... middle of paper ... ...derful sensation of accomplishment." Lucinda asked, “Aren’t you suppose to use a magic wand or something like that?” “Shhh... just relax." Ambur lit a single candle and said, “Luce, hold this with both hands.” Then he began ... The gift of hunting gold is here, It lies within my soul. I have but one of these to give, I’m just an Oakwood Troll. I pass along this valued gift, Was mine but now it’s ours. For you Lucinda - it is yours, I give you golden powers. Go forth and find what you can do, Let greed not make you stumble. Just help yourself and others too, I pray to God, stay humble. As soon as Ambur finished a warm breeze washed over them like they were outside and the candle blew out. "What was that?" asked Lucinda. Honeysuckle said, “That, my dear, was acknowledgment of the fact that this has happened. It’s over Lucinda.”

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