Diabetes In Appalachi A Case Study

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Diabetes in Appalachia A survey was conducted in 2003 at Ohio University’s Appalachian Rural Health Institute to recognize the rate of diabetic in four southeast Appalachian Ohio counties, showed 8.3% of the total sample was diagnosed with diabetes using a Random Modified Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance Survey. (Diabetes: A Family Matter, 2012). In 2006, and a follow up study using the same design showed an increase of 11.3% on seven additional Appalachian Ohio counties. (Diabetes: A Family Matter, 2012) The high incidence of diabetes incidence is like other at-risk minority groups, such African American, Native Americans and Hispanics according studies showed at Ohio University. The prevalence of diabetes rate is increasing in the Appalachian region and the southeast part of the nation and with a considerably higher incidence of chronic diseases, such hearth disease and stroke. (Diabetes: A Family Matter, 2012). As part of the evaluation and understanding of the problem of the diabetes condition in the Appalachian region, the article illustrated the environmental scan during winter and spring. The importance of the study promotes awareness of the need and adequacy of health care providers and educators in the community. In addition, the cultural concerns …show more content…

For the Appalachians, the traditional educational methods have not considerably enhanced self-management. The decrease in literacy lead to medication and treatment errors, noncompliance with treatment and medication regimens thus decrease the positive health outcome. The poor management of appointments with health care providers, delays the treatment and intervention. Cultural belief and practices impacts health care delivery and prevention and management of

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