Deuteronomy 10: 10-22 Analysis

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I. Introduction

Deuteronomy 10: 10-22 is Moses’s second sermon to the people of Israel after he makes two more stone tablets to replace the other stone tablets that were broken. In this portion of the text, Moses speaks to Israel about what happened on the mountain with the LORD and then proceeds to tell them what God requires of them as a people. This pericope is trying to teach ancient Israel about the nature of God and the response that they should have to God because God is concerned about the longevity of his people to fulfill his covenant with them. The pericope accomplished this by retelling Israel of the past, reminding them of what they should do, and then telling them how to respond.
II. Pericope and Translation
“10 I stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights, as I had done the first time. And once again the LORD listened to me. The LORD was unwilling to destroy you.11 The LORD said to me, “Get up, go on your journey at the head of the people, that they may go in and occupy the land that I swore to their …show more content…

In Deuteronomy 10:12a Moses first addresses Israel and then poses a question to the Israelites and asks them what God requires of them. He then moves on to answering his question in Deuteronomy 10:12b-13 by telling the Israelites God’s expectations and then by giving them the reasons why they should follow these rules set before them. The first expectation is to fear God. In this portion, there is the action, to fear, and there is the recipient of that fear, Yhwh. The second expectation is to walk with God, then to love him. The third instruction is to serve God with all of the heart and soul. So first there is an instruction and then there is an explanation on how to fulfill that instruction. The final command in this section is to keep the commandments that God gave

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