Early Saturday mornings start with waking up and getting ready, eating my banana while downing a glass of cold water. Since the age of seven that’s been my Saturday. My Saturdays are like clockwork for me, they never changed. The arrivals at the field were always the same, warm ups started, and shortly after we hit the field awaiting the first pitch to be thrown. We all had red clay in our veins, like we were born to play softball. Walking out at the beginning of the game I always jogged my way behind the plate geared up in my forty pounds of gear, kneeling down ready to play. Haylie, my sister pranced her way to the circle like she never did anything wrong, always too sure of herself. I caught for my sister every game. She was my best friend, …show more content…
I know this girl and she’s a damn good hitter. Outfield sees who it is and they all take two large steps back. Her name is Hannah, with three homeruns and seven on-base hits already this season. That brings her to twenty-two homeruns and fifty-three on-base hits for her career. Hannah and I both say hello and get ready ourselves. Haylie decided to have me set up on the left corner of the plate. She messes up the pitch she wanted and ended up hitting Hannah on the thigh. We all made sure her leg wasn’t hurt then tossed her bat to her coach. We all acknowledged she was a fast runner so I needed to be ready to throw to second base if she started running. Haylie released the first pitch, the batter who I can never seem to remember her name swings a large swing and hits the ball to shallow center field. Anna caught the ball sending Hannah back to first base. Two outs one to go. Fourth batter steps up to the plate, this time it’s Lauren, she’s in the clean-up spot, also a very good batter. Two balls and a strike later she pops up a foul ball, I throw my helmet off to better search for the ball in the air and see it’s out of the field and I’m not going to be able to catch it. Grabbing my helmet I look at my sister who seems to be slightly pissed off due to our mother screaming at us that we need to get our acts together and preform the way we have trained to play. This wasn’t anything new, she’s always loud in the stands and we try hard not to let …show more content…
Skipping into Beef O’Bradys, my favorite place to eat, I smiled ear to ear with joy over food. Our food is brought out pretty fast considering how packed they were, not an empty booth in the whole place. We devour it within no time at all listening to our mom discuss how great we played or how shitty, sometimes we even got both. We paid no attention to her though, not because we were teenage girls but because our coach always let us know if we did something wrong and rarely would he praise any of us if we did something right. The lovely server brings Momma the check, surprisingly it was fairly cheap. Tracy, the young lady takes moms money and we go on about our business leaving the restaurant heading to the
Though the practices performed within softball literacy do not immediately seem as if they should be considered a literacy practice, according to two of the six propositions about the nature of literacy, it is. Not only does it involve the physical performance from a play, but also includes formal writings, new rules and regulations, and offer different rules in different countries. I think softball should be counted as a literacy practice because it appeals to Barton and Hamilton’s propositions and includes artifacts that make it a community and artifacts that provide the players with essential people skills.
“Batter up!” the umpire yelled from behind home plate on the diamond-shaped field for the inning to begin. Adrenaline rushed through the players’ veins as the crowd cheering echoed from the bleachers to the outfield. Softball and baseball are team sports which both require an umpire and a diamond shaped field. All players are important. Most aspects of the games are the same. Each team has only nine players on the field at nine different positions. Each inning ends when there are three outs. Baseball generally consists of nine innings, whereas softball usually is played in seven innings. People think that softball is not as tough as baseball because they think that softball is a soft sport. I have been playing softball for about ten years, but prior to that I played baseball. However, the game of softball is on a whole different level. Softball plays require much more speed, and there is a greater possibility of getting injured. The game of softball is more hazardous and fast-paced than baseball.
It was the beginning of a new softball season, and I couldn't wait to get out there with my team. At our first practice I remember feeling back at home on the field. Just when I thought this was going to be our teams best season, my parents moved me to a private school. Leaving what I was familiar with was not an easy task, and deciding if I would continue my passion of softball with a different team was even more difficult.
Softball Softball, what is it for people? Most people see it as just a game, others a way of life and many others believe in something else. Even if you don’t play softball or any sport for that matter. We can all agree that when we find our passion, we find meaning in it. It can impact your life in a good or bad way.
Softball is harder than baseball. The three main reasons are, softball players have less time to react to the ball, hitting a softball is harder than hitting a baseball. The last reason is slap hitters or left-handed hitters in softball.
Softball and baseball are two sports that are very similar, yet very different. The techniques used are alike, but they’re not exactly the same. They are mostly different and similar in hitting, fielding, and pitching styles.
The importance of softball in my life goes unnoticed by others, but I owe everything I am to this sport. I am an organized, cooperative woman who does not let failures affect my work ethic. Although my friends and family do not give my softball career much credit, I am confident that the lessons I’ve taken away from this sport have proficiently prepared me to step up to the plate and score a successful
Baseball is a very well known sport and often known as “America’s pastime” and softball is highly similar, but with a few key differences. Many people just assume that the sport of baseball is more difficult than softball, but don’t actually know the specific parts of each of the two. Also, if you’ve never played one or the other sport, you shouldn’t be assuming anything at all in the first place. Although many assume one may be harder than the other, baseball and softball both have particular factors which make them both complex in their own way.
It was the first practice and Shaye had began to pitch, which is like the most important spot in softball (and catcher). She wasn't that good. We had a game and our catcher got hit with the ball and broke her ankle. Later the coach decided that he wanted me to be the catcher for Shaye. One time at practice Shaye was pitching, I was catching, Shaye told me that she wanted Taylor (the old
“Softball player, a girl who once steps on the field is transformed from daddy’s little girl into a fierce, unrelenting competitor who will stop at nothing to win a game. Characteristically with dirt stained socks and uniform, ratty hair, bloody knees, and dirt across her face” (Softball).
In today’s society, hard work seems to be forgotten, or merely just unrealistic. Whether it be in the work field or athletics, many get things simply handed to them. As I begin my final journey and the final four years of my softball career, I look back and reminisce on all the obstacles I have had to overcome throughout my softball journey. I know what it is like to work hard for something you have always dreamt of, but others told you that you would never be able to accomplish it, what it is like to put in work for something you love, without knowing if it will pay off.
I never played travel ball, only recreation softball so I've never actually been on a team that I tried out for. Over the summer I went to batting practice and fielding to get ready for the year. This is my year, I thought ready to tryout and make the team. The day came to where I had to show what I could do to the coaches. It took a while for the tryouts to actually commence because there was so much rain that week that it kept getting pushed back. This made more nervous, I just wanted to get it over with. I worked hard throughout the tryouts, but when I went up to bat I could not hit the ball. I tried many times but I couldn't do it. I felt terrible because everyone else hit great. I was embarrassed. I freaked out, this is what could ruin my chance to be on the team. Even then I still tried my
All throughout high school I played on the softball team. Proceeding the season before where we went undefeated with a district championship, my senior year we were supposed to be unstoppable. We received a few new players to add on to our army and the entire school was counting on our run to state. I was so excited to have an amazing end to my high school softball career, but unfortunately my dream was cut short when we lost in the first round of districts. I did not know that loss would change me the way it did.
Many people don't understand the point in playing baseball. Why would someone swing a stick, hit a ball, and try to get back to where they started before the ball returns? What pleasure is there in that? Why not participate in a sport like wrestling or track where there is an obvious level of individual improvement and therefore pleasure. Well, I play baseball because of the love I have for the sport, and because of the feeling that overwhelms me every time I walk onto a baseball field. When I walk onto a field I am given the desire to better myself not only as an athlete, but also as a person. The thoughts and feelings I get drive me to work hard towards my goals and to be a better person. The most relevant example of these feelings is when I stepped on the field at Runyon Complex in Pueblo, Colorado during our high school state playoffs in 2003. This baseball field will always be an important place to me.
A travel of over 3000 miles for some, a 210 mile drive for me, just to arrive at the biggest gathering of over 1,500 twelve year olds; all just to play baseball. The only place that would be suitable for such an event is Cooperstown Dream Parks, every baseball players heaven. Cars have come to Cooperstown from everywhere for this week long tournament. I met children my age from all over the United states. I became friends with kids from Ohio, Illinois, California, I even met a player from Puerto Rico who barely spoke any english. The windows of everyone 's car decorated with the names and numbers of teams and players. Excited baseball teams spill from their Barracks and hustle toward the already crowded seating area. Festive music played over