Descriptive Essay Of The Shower-Personal Narrative

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I walk up the stairs to go take a shower. Thoughts are literally pounding in my head every step I take. How am I going to unmask the killer when I am not even a detective? What am I going to do? Who is the killer? The thoughts just keep running through my mind on an everlasting loop.
Lets think. What do I know so far. The detective is right, every boy I seemingly am with, eventually gets murdered. That’s the only thing I know, but it is a good start I can figure something out from there. I get out of the shower and finish getting ready for my date tonight.
It’s 5:50 when Roger pulls into the driveway. I kiss my mom goodbye and head out the door to Roger’s car. His car smells really weird, but I can’t put my finger on it. It smells almost like garbage like a bag of garbage, and when I lean towards Roger he smells even more like garbage, which is very strange. Especially his black jacket with a cavs logo on the back. I just let it go and we keep driving.
When we finally arrive at Salvatore’s, we get in and are immediately seated. I get my usual Penne Ala Vodka entree which is amazing, until I realized there were mushrooms which stunk, …show more content…

It states, “ Rodger Gridger was arrested last night for the murder of many teenage boys and also the murder of his girlfriend, Maria. Thanks to Maria’s live stream and footage we were able to arrest him, but sadly she was killed in the process of retrieving this evidence. Currently Rodger Gridger is being held in a mental facility in Maryland. We have received quotes from Roger Gridger stating he was madly in love with Maria and didn’t want to lose her to anyone else. He was also heard stating he did commit the murders, but only over jealousy. We heard from officials that accidentally killing his girlfriend drove him more insane than he had been before. More info is to come about this case in the next few

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