The lights turn on, and a voice says, “It’s time to get up.” I sit up and look around. I see a cabin full of girls waking up and getting ready to start their day. As I get up, I grab my clothes for the day from my suitcase and walk up the hill to the bathhouse. I return to the cabin in fresh clothes, ready for a day of fun. I make my bed while talking and laughing with my roommates. We work together and clean the cabin, while our counselor teaches us a memory verse. Soon, we walk up the hill to flag raising, where we raise the flag, take attendance, and say our newly learned memory verse. Where am I? I am at Seventh-day Adventist Summer camp. I like going to church camp. My favorite part about summer is the week I spend at Adventist summer camp. The camp I go to is Camp Heritage. I absolutely love going to camp. As my family could tell you, I talk about all year long. The week before camp I always drive my family nuts because my thoughts and words turn to camp dozens of times a day. Camp is a place to have fun and learn new things. An amazing part about camp is …show more content…
Camp is weather dependent. If it rains, many activities are canceled, and you must walk through the rain to get from building to building. The staff members do come up with alternate plans, but it can be disappointing not to do the things you were looking forward to. One year when I was at camp, it was very rainy. That year in horsemanship we only got to ride the horses once or twice. If it is too hot, some activities must be altered to accommodate for the heat. Also, heat is just uncomfortable. It is much nicer to do your activities in 80-degree weather, than 100-degree weather. On the other hand, if it is chilly while you are at camp, boating and swimming may be uncomfortable. So, the weather can make your stay less in enjoyable, but if you are flexible and a good sport, you will probably still find camp
She doesn't really care for camping; she'd rather be at home watching TV. She goes because my dad likes to once in a while. I, on the other hand, love to camp and adore being out in the nature.
One of the biggest problems was sanitation. Clean water for drinking and bathing was rare and illness from poor hygiene or contaminated water was very common. Most of the camps were in tight groups and contagious diseases such as chickenpox, colds or the flu would spread over camp within
I woke up early in the morning with pure excitement. Today, I was heading to Cedar Point with my long time close friend, Sarah. The sun was shining, it was the perfect mood to go to an amusement park. My mom and I drove through the flat cornfields of Ohio, to her farmhouse. Once I picked up Sarah, we were headed to America’s Rockin’ Roller-Coast also known as Cedar Point. Cedar Point is on a peninsula surrounded by the fresh waters of Lake Erie located . It's actually quite nice, if you don't include the often high winds which often force the employees to close the rides due to the high risk of liability and the frequent nats. The Dragster is sitting smack dab in the middle of the park's midway. The height makes the dragster something that you can’t miss, especially on the causeway.
The summer vacation students on a traditional schedule receive could be very beneficial since summer gives time for the students to attend camps or other activities that would allow them to learn. The camp may not be like the learning in school, but students would be able to get a different style of education while having fun. Lynn-nore Chittom and Jeff Klassen, two authors who wrote about year-round vs. traditional schooling say, “Critics also cite year-round school as an obstacle to summer enrichment programs such as youth camps, and note that the balanced calendar model can hurt students and industries dependent on short-term summer employment” (Chittom). If students are going to school all year with only some short breaks, when would they have time to go to camp? Even if their camp is during one of their breaks, the students would have homework to complete, thus eliminating the educational effects of the camp on the student. Also, teen...
Naples is a very unique city that attracts people from all over the world to its beautiful surroundings. Amongst the pristine beaches and championship golf courses, a teenager can find many entertaining locations. One such area can be found in downtown Naples on Fifth Avenue. Along this stretch of road near the beach lies a vast array of shops, cafes, restaurants, and other establishments. I often find myself spending many nights on Fifth Avenue, walking along the tree-lined streets or sitting in one of the numerous cafés or restaurants.
Do you like the sound of more fun? Well, with traditional schools you get that fun. With traditional school you get a longer summer, a lot longer, and when there is more summer that means that there is more fun. When you get longer summer, you get more time to hangout with friends, have as much swimming time as you want, more fun, and if you enjoy sports, summer is the season for that. Summer is almost all about the outside and in summer with traditional schools, you get that time to go outside and enjoy the warming sun! Summer is also a great season to have vacations, get yourself out of the house and explore some new places with your family, friends, or even both. Like vacations, amusement parks are a great place to be in the summer, to feel the breeze
Whether it’s a summer camp that is away from home or one that is a day camp, both offer children learning opportunities. Summer camps keep the children physically active. Hiking, running, swimming, climbing are just a few activities that will keep them busy. Too many children spend most of their time these days inside sitting down in front of a TV either watching movies or playing video games. One big advantage for summer camps is that it lets kids be kids. According to Rock Brook Camp, it is important for kids to “have free time for unstructured play – Free from the overly-structured, overly-scheduled routines of home and school, life at camp gives children much needed free time to just play. Camp is a slice of carefree living where kids can relax, laugh, and be silly all day long.”(Rock Brook2) Summer camps help build life-long skills and make a child more confident in themselves. Camps can provide the right equipment and facilities for children to enhance their sports abilities and their musical talents. Summer camps also offer a variety of activities that makes it easy for kids to discover what they may like to do. Without parents and teachers guiding their every move, children can learn to make decision for themselves; build self-confidence and self-esteem. Finally, summer camps help children learn social skills, make new friends and reconnect with the
From the friendships they can make that will last a lifetime, to the distinct memories they have of campfire traditions, camp is laced with immeasurable meaning. The skills that children learn and practice at camp can become a part of their identity, and may even grow into passions that they will continue to pursue as an adult. Whether they want it or not, the songs with constantly haunt them throughout the years and though they claim to hate it, they secretly enjoy the reminder of summer fun and adventure. One thing camp taught me that I find of value today, is to say “yes!” to adventures and working with my team to accomplish outrageously fun challenges and
It was in July, and we wanted to go camping. I asked my dad if we could go up to our family's cabin in Elk Springs, which is near Montrose. He agreed, so Chase, Tyler and I, all sixteen years old, packed our stuff and were ready to go camping. With excitement, we jumped into Chase's truck, and took off to the woods.
If I had to choose my favorite season it would be a very difficult choice. All four seasons are unique in their own special way, such as the climate, scenery, and activities. Although I enjoy the warmer months of summer, I also enjoy the cooler months of winter. In a sense, I have narrowed my favorite seasons down to two; summer and winter.
Walking through the woods never fails to clear my mind. After spending all day sitting in a stale classroom, filled with stress, confusion, and overwhelming responsibilities, taking a long stroll through the familiar woods behind my grandmother’s house lifts any worries that could ever weigh me down. I never wander through aimlessly. I always follow the trail of grass that has been deliberately cut down shorter than the rest, making it easier to tread through to the small creek at the end of the trail. The entire journey through the woods behind my grandmother’s house, there and back, first took on a whole new importance in my life during my junior year of high school.
It is the right time when the temperature drops down. For campfire night is the right time to celebrate with your friends and your loved ones. There are many newly developed adventurers are offer a forest camping and beach camping ideas. Without campfire the adventure camps will not be completed rightly. Popular destinations for camping by the river and the destination surrounded by the hills are the perfect location for campfire night with your friends. For an adventurer campfire night, you want to drive up to nearest hills and tag your friend’s then stay overnight around the fire. Apart from that, the weekend gateway also offers a chance to plunge in many outdoor activities and campfire night by the lake. You can also enjoy the campfire adventurers with best pals and folk dances. High hills and its scenic views define a perfect adventurer for a campfire night with your loved ones. A pleasing sea side location is also one of the best destinations for making campfire nights. For all the heritage lovers a campfire night in a peaceful destination would be a fascinating experience. Some kind of special destinations offers an extensive view of the valley and also a great location for campfire.
I awoke to the sun piercing through the screen of my tent while stretching my arms out wide to nudge my friend Alicia to wake up. “Finally!” I said to Alicia, the countdown is over. As I unzip the screen door and we climb out of our tent, I’m embraced with the aroma of campfire burritos that Alicia’s mom Nancy was preparing for us on her gargantuan skillet. While we wait for our breakfast to be finished, me and Alicia, as we do every morning, head to the front convenient store for our morning french vanilla cappuccino. On our walk back to the campsite we always take a short stroll along the lake shore to admire the incandescent sun as it shines over the gleaming dark blue water. This has become a tradition that we do every morning together
This picture, probably the only one in existence of all my friends together, has more meaning than it seems. At first, it appears to be nothing more than a happy congregation of teenagers, all from the ages of fifteen to sixteen. In the background you can see a fence enclosing a sand volleyball court. My friends that are kneeling on the bottom row are Shawn (who is affectionately known as Goose because of his long neck and his last name being Gosselin) and Paul. The ones on the top row are, from left to right, Brad, Matt, Kayla, Charlie, Jenny, Greg, Brent, and Daniel. I am at the far right side. You can tell by the expressions on some of their faces, especially Paul's, that they weren't quite ready for the picture to be taken, for more reasons than one. First, there was someone else taking a picture at the same time. Also, most of them never could have guessed that the picture would have to be taken in the first place. After all, I was supposed to be with them forever, right? Wrong. This was my going-away party.
I love the hot and humid days that makes you want to dive into a fresh and cold pool. When summer time starts, you can wear lighter clothes, which are much more comfortable. The weather allows people to go outdoors to do fun activities. You wake up in the morning to the sun beaming in your room, birds chirping, and the aroma of the delicious food that is cooking downstairs. The outdoors are alive with the freshness of the air, the smell of flowers and a freshly mowed lawn. During the warm summer nights, you can sit outside on your porch and chat with your neighbo...