Depression In A Police Officer Essay

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Dealing with depression can be difficult for anyone. Whether it’s work, family stressors, or anything for that matter. Imagine being a cop and dealing with depression, it can be pretty rough. Depression in police work can be called a silent killer. The silence of depression in police officers cannot continue, someone need to bring this to light.
How to spot signs of depression in officers
Sometimes the greatest battle officers face cannot be fought. It’s the battle in the mind and at times it can be deadly. Adding job stressors and stresses in many officers personal lives, it can be hard for one person to cope with it. Learning to identify signs and symptoms of depression cannot only benefit you but the person going through depression. Some …show more content…

What circumstances led to the suicide?
What was the emotional state of the officer prior to the suicide?
What was the age of the victim?
What statements were made by the departments and the medical examiners?
How many years of service did the victim have with the department?

How to spot and treat depression in an officer
There are many ways to support and treat depression in a fellow officer. Some ways to treat an officer’s depression is to have them psychologically tested 2-3 times a year, have them see a counselor 1-2 times a year, even if something seems off about a officer report it to their agency. There are many ways to help an officer, it’s just a matter of getting to them before anything worsens. According to Gorski, there is a need to provide reliable and effective Employee Assistance Programs (EAP’s) to our police officers. Police officers are vital in our national network of emergency responders. It’s important that law enforcement agencies provide assistance to officers to protect the men and women who sacrifice their lives everyday to protect the common people. It’s important for us as a community to help a public figure in need. No matter the circumstances, and the way we feel about the person and the career they chose, suicide is not a way for anyone to

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