Depression Definition Essay

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Emotion; a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. Emotions are natural, every five hundred dollar therapist or two dollar friend could tell you that, but there comes a time where you don’t want emotions or the realization that you are nothing more than a chunk of flesh with an intuitive brain floating on a lump of dirt filled to the core with history that people try to cover up. Depression is a burden you bare for life, the sad sick truth that your head is messed up but to the average mind being able to step out of yourself is amazing and what most people define as smart. The true people who are smart is those who are considered unintelligent, they laugh without fear and cry from fake films and novels. Depression is not an emotion by definition …show more content…

Depression is an imbalance of your regular chemicals, neutral chemicals, people say get over depression, it’s just a way pharmacies and Doctors make money. Depression is not something you can “Get over” depression is not like one of your ex’s or a bad friend you left behind, depression is you, depression is a ghost that guides people to do negative things. Suicide; he act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally. Suicide is what happens to those negative thoughts you ignore, people chug down sins to make up for what truly is dragging them down. Some drown themselves in beer, food, or relationships, others drown in water. That girl who jumped off a bridge and the boy who popped twenty seven pills to sleep seemed normal. Even though you probably have heard the phrase don’t judge a book by a cover, you know you probably have, the people we trust the most, our actions, our defining traits is not what makes humans different. Different is the amount of people who show who they really are, normal is an illusion and different is a cover

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