Litteratur og alle måtene den kan leses, analyseres og tolkes på er så interessant. Historier og bøker kan bli sett på fra en rekke forskjellige perspektiver noe som gjør alle unike. Jeg har valgt å skrive om den stygge andungen, fordi den lenge har vært en av mine favoritt eventyr. På overflaten er "Den stygge andungen" en historie om Hans Christian Andersens liv. Måten han har strukturerthandlingen og trekker paralleller mellom hvordan den stygge andungen i eventyret og hvordan han selv kan ha følt gjennom hans egne livsutfordringer. Fra begynnelsen av eventyret, da den siste og største egget er klekket, til slutten av historien når "andungen" overraskende finner seg akseptert av alle dyrene. Vi kan identifisere hendelsene til andungen med erfaringene Andersen selv møtte gjennom sitt eget liv. Min problemstilling er da på hvilken måte gjenspeiler livet til Andersen seg i eventyret? Hans Christian Andersen, født inn i en fattig familie, vokste opp konstant mobbet av andre på grunn av sin høye kroppsstruktur. I en ung alder flyttet han til København fra Odense for å starte en karriere som en skuespiller. Gjennom denne karrieren møtte han mange utfordringer som førte til at han ble avvist av teateret, akkurat som den stygge andungen ble avvist fra gruppen av ender på grunn av utseendet hans. Det er tydelig at mange hendelser og utfordringer forfatteren skapte for den lille andungen reflekterte disse tider med motgang i sitt eget liv. Han møtte mye hån på grunn av hans klossete utseende og måtte overleve på egen hånd mens han kjempet for å ignorere avslag han fikk så ofte. I eventyret spilte katten rollen av menneskene i Andersens liv. Karakteren var negativ mot alt andungen prøvde å si ved å motsi han. Katten mente at andungen ik... ... middle of paper ... ... av vennenes hans Hermine og Ronny, og er svært takknemlig til dem fordi han hadde aldri før hatt venner. Det er veldig lik måten den stygge andungen finner ut at han ikke er en stygg andunge, men en vakker svane som er velkommen med åpne vinger ved den andre svanen. Begge historiene viser temaene fordommer. Både andungen og Harry blir sett ned på av sine familier på grunn av egenskaper som de ikke kan kontrollere, dette er temaet fordommer. I tillegg, både andungen og Harry blir fulgt av oss, leseren som følger dem gjennom reisen og kampen deres. Begge starter ut med livet sitt på bunnen, helt til de når et punkt i livet hvor alle ser opp til dem og blir rost for hvor gode de virkelig er. Svaret på problemstillingen er gjennom hele teksten. Måten han har skrevet eventyret, og alle scenarioene den lille andungen går igjennom, kan beskrive livet til Andersen godt.
In the eighth chapter “Hanseldee and Greteldum” of Thomas C. Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor, it is explained how writers incorporate literature targeted to kids due to the fact that they are widely known and recognized. Foster describes it as kiddie lit, and explains that the story “Hansel and Gretel” has more drawing power than any other. Foster’s observation proves to be true; he points out two examples that take from the story of the two lost children, but that neither work explicitly states that it is based upon Hansel and Gretel themselves. This is additionally apparent in the 1984 supernatural horror film Children of the Corn, which is an adaptation from Stephen King’s short story “Children of the Corn.” Burt and Vicky, a couple, are passing through Nebraska while
Ed. John Schilb and John Clifford. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin's, 2000. 127. The Ibsen, Henrik.
This translation tells a wonderful tale and it is amazing that it has been preserved for this amount of time. Byock does a fantastic job of editing and telling his story. His introduction sets the stage very well, as it gives historical and cultural insight into his work. Several important lessons can be taken from the work and applied to the study of medieval Norse peoples. One of the most important aspects is the role that fate and divine intervention have on the lives of everyday man and that nothing happens by accident. The guidance of Odin and the reliance on fate are echoed throughout the work and serve as the backdrop for each characters action. This insight allows historians to dig into the narrative and extract special significance from the text.
Many people think that Christopher Columbus was the first European to set foot in America, but this conventional belief is wrong; Leif Erikson, a Norse explorer set foot in Newfoundland almost 500 years before Columbus was even born. This paper will cover everything about Leif Erikson’s life including his grandfather’s banishment from Norway, and Leif’s father’s exile from Iceland. Leif Erikson’s early life, his family, and his visit to Norway to serve under the king. The first recorded European to see North America, Bjarni Herjólfsson, and Leif Erikson’s voyage to America. This paper is also going to talk about Leif Erikson’s brother, Thorvald Erikson’s voyage to Vinland because his tale is interesting. Near the end of this research paper, it will have a paragraph on Leif Erikson’s later life. Finally at the end of this paper it is going to talk about the unknown reason why no other Europeans sailed to Vinland, and Leif’s impact on modern day North America.
data contribute to the author's unparalleled style. Njal's Saga is undoubtedly unique, and speaks of the traditions and virtues upheld by the very first Icelanders.
Easterlin, Nancy. “Hans Christian Andersen’s Fish out of Water." Philosophy and Literature 25 (2001): 251-77. 6 Oct. 2006.
Who discovered America? The common answer to this question would most likely be Christopher Columbus. However, many explorers and adventurers came to America before Columbus. Viking Leif Ericsson was one of these explorers. Ericsson visited, and may have even discovered, the land that became America on one of his many adventures away from his native Greenland. The life, discoveries, and legacy of Leif Erikson are an important piece of history that not many are familiar with.
Simonds, W. E. "Henrik Ibsen." Dial 10.119 (Mar. 1890): 301-303. Rpt. in Literature Resource Center. Detroit: Gale, 2011. Literature Resource Center. Web. 25 Mar. 2011.
Heiberg, Hans. Ibsen. A Portrait of the Artist. Coral Gables, Florida: University of Miami. 1967.
Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll House. The Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing. 5th ed. Ed. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999. 1564-1612.
In the middle of the 19th century when Norway, needed to have a new written language of it’s own, after being under Danish rule. The process of getting this new Norwegian written language, was not straightforward, as not one way of doing was agreed on. There were two rivaling ways of getting the new Norwegian written language. One was to adopt a newly created language based upon the older dialects, that reassembled old norse the most. This approach was founded by Ivar Aasen. The other approach was to use the dano-norwegian that a lot of people already used, and standardize it a gradually changing the danish words into Norwegian. This idea was founded by Knud knudsen, and is what lead to bokmål. These two different approaches battled in what later was known as the language conflict of Norway.
...het bestaan van valse ondernemingen, van een denkbeeldige macht of van een denkbeeldig krediet, om een goede afloop, een ongeval of enige andere hersenschimmige gebeurtenis te doen verwachten of te doen vrezen of om op andere wijze misbruik te maken van het vertrouwen of van de lichtgelovigheid.”
In the 11th century King Olaf Sköttkonung became Sweden’s first Swedish King and was baptized as a Christian. In the 14th century an attempt was made to form an alliance between, Norway, Sweden and Denmark into a single kingdom, but this led to a bitter war between the Danes and the Swedes. In 1520, King Christian II of Denmark conquered Sweden and in the “Stockholm Bloodbath” put leading Swedish countrymen to death. Gustavus Vasa, in the 15th centur...
...ons about society and about the foundations of legitimate power (Morales, Yves). In the eyes of the Scandinavians, they had invented skiing as a modern sport and led a policy that was a mixture of both conservatism and nationalism, which turned out to come off as isolationism. The will to quest and conquer the polar extremes, as well as the inland glaciers of Greenland, has been a part of Scandinavian polar history, to such a degree that it can be termed a national characteristic (Goksøyr, Matti). In a recent book by Tor Bomann-Larsen, he cites Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson’s opening Evige sne as a representative of how Scandinavian national culture, as the country was developing into a nation state, was one in which snow, and therefore skiing, became a catalyzing factor that gave the Scandinavian nations their uniqueness, their purity, and their right to be independent.
Parforholdet er baseret på følelser og det kan let opløses, hvis kærligheden dør. Derfor er der mange skilsmisser i jeg-kulturen. Børn fødes både i og uden for ægteskaber, og der er derfor også mange enlige forældre. Kvinder er selvstændige og de kan forsørge sig selv. Man er selvstændig og styrer sig selv og frihed er godt.