Demand Analysis: Price Elasticty

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Demand Analysis

Price Elasticity and Decision Making


All consumers should aware themselves of the factors involved with price elasticity and how the traits potentially impact their purchases and personal or commercial budgets. Commercial firms have the problem of managing price elasticity with their products and prices and governments have a constant problem of determining taxes from price elasticity. I used three examples to attempt solving how firms manage their products with price elasticity factoring with Proctor & Gamble, the oil, and airline industries. I used government examples of how the attempts to collect data to formulate their policies for taxation on elastic and inelastic products while also describing how the US Postal Service uses price elasticity to compete with corporate competition. Exposure to these factors of price elasticity will generate consumers’ awareness of firms and governments role to determine goods or services at a particular price.

Submit a paper of approximately 1,500 words answering the following question: Analyze why the concept of price elasticity important to (a) firms and (b) government?

Price Elasticity is the measure in responsiveness of consumers to changes in the price of a product or service. The evaluation and consideration of this measure is a useful tool in firms making decisions about pricing and production, and in governments making decisions about revenue and regulation. “Price Elasticity is impacted by measurable factors that allow managers to understand demand and pricing for their product or service; including the availability of substitutes, the consumer budgets for the product or service, and the time period for demand adjustments.” The proper consideration of Price Elasticity allows managers to set pricing such that the effect on Total Revenue is predictable and adjustments to production are timely. The concept of Price Elasticity is employed in the management of commercial firms and government.

Commercial firms use Price Elasticity to manage pricing and production decisions, especially in industries where the growth in sales and revenues are the primary measure of a firm’s success. Knowledge of the Price Elasticity for a product or service enables managers to determine the pricing strategy required to get the sales results desired. For example, a firm with a product with a relatively high elasticity would know that a large sales increase can be created with a small price decrease. Conversely, a firm with an inelastic product knows that changes in pricing would have minimal effect on sales.

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