Analysis Of A Couple Of Squares

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A Couple of Squares is a company specializing in producing and selling gourmet cookies to retail stores. Recently, A Couple of Squares has been brainstorming the idea of starting an e-commerce website so they can sell there gourmet cookies directly to consumers instead of selling to retailers. There are many considerations that need to be evaluated when deciding to launch an e-commerce website. First, the risks of launching an e-commerce site and the steps to mitigate the risks must be evaluated. Along with the risks of launching an e-commerce site, the benefits of launching an e-commerce site also need to be taken into account. In order to seek profitability a break even analysis must be performed. Once profitability is feasible, A Couple …show more content…

A Couple of Squares should price their products based on customer value since there is no relationship between customers’ value for a product and the company’s costs. A Couple of Squares currently uses a cost based pricing system. Using a cost based pricing system can undercut profits due to customer value. If customers are willing to buy cookies from A Couple of Squares for twenty dollars and A Couple of Squares is only charging five dollars, they are losing out on a significant amount of profit. Basing pricing on customer value would also keep customers satisfied. Customers would be satisfied since the company is focusing on their individual needs. If the company prices their products based on customer value, the customer will be willing to buy the product because it is at a price they are willing to pay. Therefore, pricing based on customer value would maximize profits as well as customer …show more content…

A couple of Squares has a limited capacity for which to produce their products and smaller companies tend to have larger fixed costs than bigger companies. Therefore, A Couple of Squares must maximize profits in order to ensure that they will stay in business. A profit-oriented pricing objective is also useful because of A Couple of Squares’ increased sales goals. A Couple of Squares increased their sales goals due to recent financial troubles. Maximizing profits is the easiest way to meet these sales goals due to the fact that A Couple of Squares has limited production capacity. The last key consideration favors a profit-oriented pricing objective because A Couple of Squares offers a specialty product. A specialty product often has limited competition, therefore can be priced on customer value. Pricing at customer value will maximize profits as well as customer satisfaction. A Couple of Squares’ lack of production capacity, increased sales goals, and specialty product favor a profit-oriented pricing

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