Thesis Statement For The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby In Class Essay

Choose one of the following topics and write a well-organized essay with evidence supporting the statements you set forth. Your response should be two pages, double spaced with a 12 font in Times New Roman:

1. Why does Fitzgerald select New York in the 1920s as his setting for the novel? Be sure to provide specific evidence that supports your thesis statement.

Comment on the ways in which this quotes exemplifies the behaviors of both East and West Eggers.

Malden High School Critical Thinking Essay Rubric

6 -Outstanding
5- Effective
4- Competent
3 – Inadequate
2 - Limited
1- Lacking
Topic and Idea Development
Effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on …show more content…

Well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas
Well organized and focused, demonstrating coherence and progression of ideas
Is generally organized and focused, demonstrating some coherence and progression of ideas
Is limited in organization or focus; may demonstrate some lapses in coherence or progression of ideas
Poorly organized and/or focused, or has serious problems with coherence or progression of ideas
Is disorganized or unfocused, resulting in a disjointed or incoherent essay
Exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary
Exhibits facility in the use of language, using appropriate vocabulary
Exhibits adequate but inconsistent facility in the using of language, using generally appropriate vocabulary
Displays developing facility in the use of language, but sometimes uses weak or inappropriate word choice
Displays little facility in the use of language, using very limited vocabulary or incorrect word choice
Displays fundamental errors in vocabulary
Sentence Structure
Demonstrates meaningful variety in sentence structure
Demonstrates variety in sentence structure
Demonstrates some variety in sentence structure
Lacks variety or demonstrates problems in sentence

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