Delta Zeta Sorority Life Essay

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Delta Zeta Sorority Life: Good or Bad? “Sisterhood is the essence of all the wisdom of ages, distilled into a single word. You cannot see sisterhood, neither can you hear it nor taste it. But you can feel it a hundred times a day. It is a pat on the back, a smile of encouragement. It’s someone to share with, to celebrate your achievements” – Anonymous (Sorority Quotes). Joining a sorority is a life-changing experience during college. When going to college, there are many clubs and organizations that a student can join. Despite popular belief, a sorority is much more than paying for friends and partying. A sorority is a good way to make friends, give back to others, and join something that is bigger than you. Sororities have a rich history …show more content…

The first volume came out in December of 1910. The magazine is a steadfast connection between all of us. The magazine includes all United States sororities and all of the accomplishments they have done over the past year. Dr. Mari Ann Callais said, “Since its founding in 1902, Delta Zeta has had the courage to stand up, be brave and to live a life that is full of taking risks.” The Iota Delta’s accomplishments include donating twenty two Build-A-Bears to Starkey Hearing Foundation, supported Zeta Tau Alpha’s philanthropic event, Big Man On Campus, and took first place for the second consecutive year, first sorority in university’s history to win the titles of Homecoming Queen – Megan Corrigan, Greek Goddess – Anna Hepler, President, and Greek Week champions, participated and won Theta Chi’s MANJAM event to benefit local veterans’ association, and Anna Hepler, President, is Treasurer of Order of Omega (The Lamp). Zeta Tau Alpha’s event, Big Man on Campus, is a pageant and each sorority and fraternity picks someone from a fraternity to represent them. All of the money raised goes to breast cancer research. Homecoming is a big event at Edinboro University. Each fraternity and sorority choose someone to represent them and the students vote on who they think they should win. Delta Zeta-Iota Delta has won the past two years. Greek God and Goddess are for Greek Life and each sorority and fraternity pick someone to represent them. Each candidate is asked questions regarding their organization and Greek Life and the one that gives the best, most accurate answers wins. Greek Week is when each fraternity and sorority pair up with another and do athletic events and the team with the most points wins. MANJAM is hosted by Theta Chi and each fraternity and sorority make up a dance and sing along and the sorority and fraternity with the most points wins. All

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