Definition Essay On Trophies For Everyone

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Trophies for Everyone Participation is something which takes place in everyday life. I participate in school activities, which are mostly mandatory, and other activities. Other activities, such as going to school itself, involving myself in gym, and sometimes in debate. I also participate in things at home, but before we get to what that is, let’s look at a quote about competition. “The ultimate victory in competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give” (Cosell). Do you understand that? Can you comprehend what was just spewed out by that author’s mouth? The true victory is obtained by the inner satisfaction of the one who is participating, …show more content…

If you have no sportsmanship, no cooperation, no enthusiasm, no dedication, or anything for the game, why would you be on the team in the first place? She must have come to the conclusion that no matter what she did, should would get the same trophy as all the others. She would obtain the same piece of plastic, what I would call a number two as well, that everyone else would get. I can tell, from how her mom describes her playing the game, which she was not the best athlete and she was not the best teammate. If Carol Dweck’s daughter can get a trophy for showing up, then why try? That is not the mentality you want her to acquire when she goes into the real world. The real world is harsh and cruel and difficult, she needs to be prepared or at least know that you must always give it your all. Think about the kids who are better than her, they will feel like it is unfair. That’s more than what the girl who doesn’t do anything gets out of these “participation trophies”. Those kids who try harder, won’t try as hard because they aren’t rewarded for the extra work they do. Them going the extra mile, or the extra foot, they won’t be …show more content…

Jorge Perez, who is the vice president of youth development and social responsibility for the YMCA, says there’s a reason why “The kid’s hold onto the trophies, why those moms don’t throw them away”. They bring up a very excellent idea, it reminds them of the memories. Yes, memories are important and watching and spending time with your kids is important. But can an importance get in the way? You will always remember them while they played their games and had fun in all their little crazy activities. Given them trophies for no reason, other than them being there (which you only had to be there for the games), you get the same trophy as someone who actually tries. You will be proud of you son for always trying and participating in things, but keep his soccer clothes or his football jerseys or whatever sport he feels like indulging in. They earned their uniform by joining, but they have yet to earn the trophy, which is potentially

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