Definition Essay On Power

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Power The definition of power is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. People look up to someone they feel has power. Other people may think a powerful or influential person turns greedy, mean, or selfish. This can happen to some but I feel that a person in power is judged with ignorance and are really doing the best they can in their situation. When a person has power, no matter how small the amount of power they have, people judge them and focus on their weak points as a leader. "Larry Summers, Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, president of Harvard University and former head of President Barack Obama's National Economic Council, is often described as prickly, outspoken, and not …show more content…

Someone who has chosen to take on a responsibility will not take it lightly. If they knew what they would have to do going into it, they will do what they feel is right. Some people may not agree with them on what is right, but they are always trying to do what they think is best. When a parent punishes a child for doing something wrong most kids don’t agree with the them on the punishment, they come to the conclusion that their parents are horrible and out to get them. "Over time, you will become more like you're acting — self-assured, confident, and more strongly-convinced of the truth of what you are saying." (Groth, Aimee. 15 Tips on Becoming More Powerful). Powerful people have truth to what they are saying and confidence in what they are doing. They know not everyone will agree with them but they are still doing what they think is …show more content…

I do not mean abusing the power they have and using it to give people harsh and unfair treatment. I mean they become more confident, outspoken, and strong. Because of this change, some see it as a reason why they shouldn’t be in charge. If I became the president right now, of course I would have to change. So would many others. Before we have walked in their shoes and know what it’s like to be them, we shouldn’t judge them because they are probably doing the best they can and what they feel is

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