Happiness. is it measurable, is it determinable by wealth, or is it tradable among each
others. Happiness is what people seek and want to achieve in their life. Happiness is intangible.
So how does one know if they have achieved happiness in their lifetime? or is it just a feeling
that one has just like others feelings? What if someone does not feel and achieve happiness,
can they go on achieving that happiness feelings?
Personally to me, happiness is not measured by materialistic wealths or assets that
ones has access to such as a fancy cars or houses because having these materialistic toys
does not give you the ultimate happiness feelings. They are just for showing off, meaning that
ones can use these materialistic
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The famous saying, “money can’t buy happiness,” is true in reality for me
personally in my life since I believe that everyone can be unhappy in any circumstances and
wealth cannot buy happiness feelings and no one of any wealth have control to happiness.
In order to achieve happiness we all should have a sense of purpose in our individual
personal life and have an appreciation for our own individual uniqueness, since we all are born
differently and have different purposes to life. In order to have the feelings of happiness life
requires balance and we all individuals have the control of balancing our individual life.
There should be a balance to your life in work, playtime, family, and achieving your goal and
purpose of life.
Can people can be happy if they have a goal, purpose, and balance in their life?
Well for me personally, yes. After all, the final goal to achieve happiness is actually making
decisions that you favor and when you make decisions that you like you will achieve it on matter
what since you chose it. Achieving happiness really depends upon ourselves and the choices
that we choose to make.
Being happy is all about being yourself, having purpose to life and appreciating
Happiness is a mental or emotional state of being content with whatever you have. For example the Bohemian Society, these are people who enjoy an unconventional lifestyle with few permeant ties. They also have nontraditional lifestyles in which they put their time plus energy into art, music, and of course relaxation. According to the Us news 20 percent of Americans think the more money you have the better life will be but on the other hand 80 percent said being happy with a middle class pay is more live able because you have less worry. So when you think about material things it simply doesn’t matter as along as you’re happy and content.
Ashley Janowiak Human Happiness and External goods Happiness is a goal every human pursues, yet the ways in which it is pursued differs amongst people. Some believe prosperity will bring them happiness. Others believe material, power, fame, success, or love will bring them happiness. No matter what one believes is the right way to conquer this goal, every person will take their own unique path in an attempt to find it. But what is happiness like?
To them happiness is concentered a continuous act of a good life. A life without suffering, full of pleasure, prosperity, things of material wealth. However, there has to be more to happiness than this. Happiness has to come from within, it cannot be bought. Everyone seeks happiness. It is not measurable, profitable, nor is it something that is tradable; so, happiness cannot possible be bought.
“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions,” said Dalai Lama, a Chinese spiritual philosopher. So, if happiness is achieved by your actions, does everyone get the chance to experience this feeling or is there an advantage for some? I think that happiness is not simply a luxury for the rich or for the powerful. I assume that it is a feeling that be experienced by people of different classes and nationalities.
Is life really about the 'money', the 'cash', who has the biggest gold chain or who drives the shiniest or fastest car, who sells the most albums or who has the most respect? Today happiness is viewed in many different ways. Everyone defines happiness according to their personal perpectives. Each individual describes their inner feelings in a way that you can't compare with another. Happiness originally and logically means the inner state of well being or a pleasurable or satisfying experience. It enables you to profit from your highest: thoughts, wisdom, intelligence, common sense, emotions, health, and spiritual values in your life. What makes you happy and what makes me happy are different things. Whatever it is that gives you warm fuzzes is determined by you, and only you. This difference is what makes the world interesting.
Happiness is an inner state of well-being and fulfilment, and therefore it has to come from inside. Every individual has his or her own emotions and way of thinking and as a result of this no one can really say what happiness is and what happiness is not. However, universally, happiness is a by-product of a healthy attitude and viewpoint. Happiness exists in everyone whether they choose to acknowledge and believe it or not. It is not rare nor is it something only the elite have: everyone has it but not everyone recognizes it. Contentment is finding a light at the end of every dark tunnel and in order to experience this we must ignore the pessimism surrounding us and remind ourselves that happiness is not a materialistic object but a choice and frame of mind.
According to Webster dictionary the word Happiness in defined as Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. People when they think of happiness, they think about having to good feeling inside. There are many types of happiness, which are expressed in many ways. Happiness is something that you can't just get it comes form your soul. Happiness is can be changed through many things that happen in our every day live.
Happiness is a psychological term that is hard to define since it is particular to each individual. However, we can define it as a psychological sense of life satisfaction, pleasure, and positive emotional condition. For some people, it is difficult to achieve happiness. In contrast, other people can find happiness in the simplest things. However, remember that happiness is in our hands. Just keep seeking it and we will finally be
Happiness is a feeling that humans naturally desire. Without it, one feels incomplete. In this generation, happiness has taken on a definition by how we are presented to one another. It is measured by how much money we have, how famous we are, or the things we possess. When in reality, none of these things guarantee a happy life. Happiness is something that cannot be bought with money, but rather, it must be found, earned, sought after. Each and every one of us has our own list of things that we consider to make us happy. However, happiness shines brightest through the relationships we create, and the goals we make for ourselves to strive after. Along with these two essential sources, we then can mix and match those things in life that we enjoy to create our own unique formula for happiness.
When none of us has ever come across such words and formulas, none of the great personalities has ever mentioned it, then who the hell has instilled it in our minds that money brings happiness. But among this debate one question still raises its head - What is happiness? Happiness is not actually leading a luxurious life but the luxury of living a life. Happiness is not actually about expanding your business, but it lies in expanding the horizons of life. Happiness is not having a meal in the most famous restaurant but to have it with your most beloved family. It does not lie in attending honorable parties but to attend a party with honor.
If you think about it how many times a day are you happy? Some might ask well what is your definition of happiness? It just so happens that my definition of happiness is and emotion that shows excitement or contentment in everything. That is my definition of happiness. Now let’s get to it can you choose to be happy? My answer to this question is no nobody can just choose to be happy.
Happiness, what is it, and why do we strive to achieve it so persistently? Happiness in some points of view is portrayed as the state that is derived from self-awareness of a benefiting action or moment taking place. What of the moments that are not beneficial? Can a person still find moments of happiness and success in discord, a little glimmer of light shining from the deep recesses of our own consciousness? Plucking it from a mere moment, achieved from money, or is it so much more, happiness is the precipice that all strive to gain to better perceive their success. As a person lives, they are in a constant struggle to be happy. For instance, even the United States Constitution makes reference to the idea that every person has the inalienable right to pursue happiness. This was the resulting outcome of the enlightenment from France, spilling out into the rest of the world from 1650 through 1800. This revolutionized the idea that every single person has the inalienable right to happiness or in different views the right to succeed. As to how one peruses or conjures their happiness that is an entirely different concept and completely up to their preferred preference, but it is something that a person needs to find on their own for true success.
According to Buddha, “Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think.” To be happy, one must know what happiness is and then find aspects that make them feel that way. Happiness is not a brief sense of positive feelings, but a lasting sense of contentedness that can be achieved by keeping close relationships and engaging in habits that seem contradictory at first to happiness.
Happiness is a feeling that cannot be broken if strong enough, no matter how much sadness or hate is around you. Happiness can come from the smallest thing, for instance, music makes me happy and can easily change my mood, or when I am doing something I love my mood is easily changed. For others it could be whenever you do something well, or right and get recognition for it. It is the easiest feeling to be spread and given out but often neglected and forgotten about which is something we should all be more aware
Happiness can come in different forms for each person. Some people dream of achieving great wealth to buy everything they ever wanted. Others may find simple tasks such as, reading a book, to make them happy. There are people who find happiness by making others happy, whether it’d be, feeding the homeless, or giving random compliments to strangers. I think that most people would agree that the purpose of life is happiness. There are several things that bring happiness to my world, which include, family, health, and laughter, among other things. Accomplishments can also bring happiness to people, which is what many people strive for during their lives. It can be a promotion, diploma, house, etc. It is usually something that is challenging,