Definition Essay On Fun

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Fun is something every human being has experienced one before in their life. Some may have more fun than others, but it's all something we can relate to. What we can't agree on is what fun is defined as. Everyone has and feels fun in a different way. If you asked two people to define fun you would get two different answers. People don't just feel fun differently they also have fun doing different things as well. Fun is a word that can be used very loosely. For intense one person can have skydiving while someone else can be absolutely terrified of skydiving.It all depends on the person. Some of my closet friends enjoy math and have fun doing it, but I can't relate to that. This may simply be because they are better at math than I am and understand it whereas I don't. This can be an example of how fun can be defined as how well you can do something. Someone who can run several miles at a time obviously enjoys and has fun running, but someone who doesn't run would most likely be miserable. …show more content…

Fun is something that defined as how good you are at something. The better you are at something or the more you understand something means that you will most like have more fun when doing than someone who doesn't. Walking through a haunted house to some people may sound like a terrible and horrifying time, but to others it may seem like a great time. Another way fun can be defined is how different people feel about different things. I personally love haunted houses and anything scary. I enjoy the feeling of being scared and have fun when I am, but I know for a lot of people this isn't the case and that they hate being scared or dread it. I know that people who hate haunted houses or being scared look at me like I'm crazy, but I think it's safe to say that I look at those who don't the same

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