Definition Essay Jealousy

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Are You Jealous or Just Insecure?
Is this jealousy really about that girl your boyfriend is talking to, or is it actually about you? Jealousy is commonly looked at as an everyday thing that is dealt with by young lovers or even celebrities becoming envious or fearful. In this essay I would like to show the true definition of the word jealousy.This definition should be evaluated more closely to find its true meaning and I believe that it will change the outlook of people everywhere. Jealousy isn’t just being envious of someone, it is unnecessary insecurity with yourself. In this essay I will explain why this feeling is so pointless in our everyday lives. Once we focus this notion back onto ourselves, we find the real issue.
One example that almost all of us can relate to is, of course, being jealous of your boyfriend/ girlfriend talking to another boy/girl. On paper this may sound like a petty thing to be upset about, but you realize just how common it really is once it finally happens to you. In your head, you understand that you have nothing to be worried about, while another part of you is imagining everything that could happen. “What if he starts to like …show more content…

“Am I as beautiful as she is?” “Does he even really like me?” You may have been confident about these answers twenty minutes ago but now your whole outlook is warped. Looking back at these moments, we realize that the only problem with the situation is that you started to second guess yourself and become insecure with yourself and your relationship with that person. On the other end, your partner has no comprehension of what is happening in your head, so when you become upset because of this jealousy, they turn defensive, trying to argue that they weren’t doing anything wrong. When all you see is all of the bad things that could happen, it is almost like you are turning

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