Definition Essay: Defining Success

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Success.docx 1 / 2 Kiel Brown 10-2-16 Ms. Goodwin, B1 College Essay (Rough Draft) “How do I define success and what is its meaning?” Success is something that has different meanings for every person. Success is a very versatile word, however success is when you find and achieve the perfect balance in life. Contrary to society’s teachings, success is not about being the person with the most money, or the one with the biggest house, or the one with the nicest customized luxury automobiles parked in the driveway. Success is about having a healthy balance in life. Success should also be measured on your personal goals that you end up achieving. You cannot have success by only achieving happiness in one aspect of your …show more content…

So how is it that we can define success for each individual based upon his or her natural strengths and weaknesses as well as inherited personality type? To be successful is to understand what is important to you, to recognize your weaknesses without hiding behind them, to strive for balance as well as open new doors in life. Each personality type has views on what it is that makes them successful. Often, many people state their views of success based on what someone else’s idea of what it is to be successful. However, among all these ideas of what it is to be successful a common idea is 2 / 2 drawn. Successful means being able to understand what is important to you. If we spend our time and effort trying to meet somebody else's idea of success, and ignore or belittle any of our contrasting views, then we will find ourselves exhausted and unhappy. One cannot be successful until they have reached this mindset of happiness; it is not possible for one to be successful unless they are happy with their goals and achievements. Successfulness is the ability to understand what goals you strive for in life, and prioritizing so that you are able to

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