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The purpose of a database management system
What is the purpose of a database management system
Compare database management systems
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As Satzinger, Jackson & Burd (2010, pp. 488) states that a Database Management System (DBMS) is a “system software that manages and controls access to a database”. It is generally purchased and installed separately from other system software components. Examples of DBMS includes Microsoft Access, Oracle and Gemstone.
Satzinger, Jackson & Burd (2010, pp. 488) further states that DBMS “provide designers, programmers and end users with sophisticated capabilities to store, retrieve and manage data”. Sharing and managing the vast amount of data needed by a modern organisation simply would not be possible without a database management system.
DBMS consists of several components. Each component plays a very important role in the database management system environment. The major components of database management system are:
1. Software
2. Hardware
3. Data
4. Procedures
5. Users
The main component of a DBMS is the software. It is the set of programs used to handle the database and to control and manage the overall computerised database. This component manages or controls the ...
The first database systems were based on the network and hierarchical models. A database can be defined as a collection of non-redundant data which can be shared by different application systems. A database implies separation of physical storage from use of the data by an application program to achieve program/data independence. Using a database system, the user or programmer or application specialist need not know the details of how the data are stored and such details are usually "transparent" to the user. .
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Databases always used to fascinate me from my under graduation with great curiosity to know how large data is managed and queried. This led me to do Masters in computer science concentrating in the field of Data Management. In the course of my study, I understood the concepts of DBMS which provides a robust and efficient way of managing and mining data. Through the courses like Database Systems (ITCS 6160), Knowledge Discovery in Databases(ITCS 6162) and Knowledge Based Systems(ITCS 6155) I gained enough theoretical and practical knowledge about the importance of proper organization of data, good techniques to build an efficient database management system and how well the data can be managed.
According to research, the people accountable for managing an organization’s database are called database administrators. The importance of a database administrator in a society should not be overlooked or treated with levity because they are fully in charge of data’s and information. Some of the examples of popular database management systems are My SQL, Oracle, etc. One of the major roles of a database administrator is to ensure database security. He or she is in charge of fixing security issues and complications that could
This paper will compare and contrast five different database management systems on six criteria. The database management systems (DBMS) that will be discussed are SQL Server 2000, Access, MySQL, DB2, and Oracle. The criteria that will be compared are the systems’ functionality, the requirements that must be met to run the DBMS, the expansion capabilities – if it is able to expand to handle more data over time, the types of companies that typically use each one, the normal usage of the DBMS, and the costs associated with implementing the DBMS.
DBA deals with all of this by finding user needs, set the database, and test the system. DBA should enable editing any system he or she created. At the same time DBA should ensure the security of the data and guarantee data integrity and backup. Moreover, DBAs should know the database management systems (DBMS) that include the knowledge of Oracle, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL server (“Database Administrator,” 2010). Oracle is one of the most important platforms that DBA must know and have experience with. According to Kanaracus “The database experience we look for most of the time is Oracle”, says Tom Hart, executive vice president of the operations and technology group at Veritude. “SQL Server is more of a nice-to-have"
In this experiment, we took a detailed look at Edward Bloom's Big Fish. In particular, we sampled 10 pages of the book, and from each of those pages, examined the number of lines starting with various types of words, and types of letters as well. In order to randomly select 10 pages from the book, we used the Vasser Stats randomizer to generate 10 random page numbers. We then went through each of the 10 randomly selected pages and recorded the number of lines that started with a noun, a verb, an adjective, a vowel, and a consonant. When recording the number of lines starting with nouns and verbs, we also made sure to divide the results into those that began with vowels and those began with consonants. The data was entered into a spreadsheet in Excel and then transferred to JMP IN. In dealing with the data, we treated each of the ten pages as an individual and so we had 10 values for the number of lines starting with each of our different word and letter types. Once the data was entered into JMP IN, we constructed 5 histograms to show the frequency distribution for the number of lines starting with each of our word and letter types. Once our histograms were created, we took a look at the descriptive statistics for each of our histograms and summarily grouped the 5 sets of data in a table. The descriptive statistics we chose to include were; the mean, median, maximum, minimum, upper quartile, lower quartile, 95% confidence intervals, and sample size. The histograms and statistics were calculated and created, respectively, in JMP. We then entered the number of noun and verb lines that started with vowels and consonants in JMP. From this spreadsheet, we used JMP to produce a contingency table. This was done to determine whether or not there exists a statistically significant relationship between the type of word and the type of letter that word begins with. Once the contingency table was created, JMP performed a Pearson chi-square test on the data.
Databases are becoming as common in the workplace as the stapler. Businesses use databases to keep track of payroll, vacations, inventory, and a multitude of other taske of which are to vast to mention here. Basically businesses use databases anytime a large amount of data must be stored in such a manor that it can easily be searched, categorized and recalled in different means that can be easily read and understood by the end user. Databases are used extensively where I work. In fact, since Hyperion Solutions is a database and financial intelligence software developing company we produce one. To keep the material within scope I shall narrow the use of databases down to what we use just in the Orlando office of Hyperion Solutions alone.
Normalization, Integrity and Security are the important role for a DBA, Normalization helps to avoid data redundancy by reviewing data base structure at certain level. It helps to build an effective data model. Data Integrity provide some level of assurance over the information getting store and retrieved from database, DBA has to understand all DBMS features use them correctly for Data Integrity. Data Security is toughest part for DBA, auditing and multiple level security can protect data but none of them provide complete security, security can also be managed by encrypting and masking the organization data.
In order to resolve network related problems The Airframe Corporation (TAC) has decided to upgrade the existing network consisting of a mix of Token Ring and shred Ethernet hubs to a switched Ethernet network. The purpose of this paper is to discuss several aspects of the project plan for the upgrade. This discussion will be made in threes sections. Section one will include project definition, while section two will deal with work breakdown structure and estimated schedules, and section three will cover costing and risk analysis.
A database management system, or DBMS, gives the user access to their data and helps them transform the data into information. Such database management systems include dBase, Paradox, IMS, and Oracle. These systems allow users to create, update, and extract information from their databases. Compared to a manual filing system, the biggest advantages to a computerized database system are speed, accuracy, and accessibility.
The DBMS has a function that can be differentiate from the information retrieval system. The DBMS have the ability to store, update and retrieve the data. This is the main function of the DBMS because the database can be used if there is any record is being stored into the database. The record need to be retrieve first, then it can be change by the database administrator as it will be the record has been updated. The DBMS will protect the structure of the data structure.
A database management system in the main software tool of the database management approach because it controls the creation, maintenance, and use of the database of an organization and its users. The three major functions of a database management system are first to create new database and database application. Second to maintain the quality of the data in an organized database. And last to use the database of an organization to provide the information that its end users need. An example of a database management approach in a banking information system. Note how the savings, checking and installment loan programs use a database management system to share a customer database. Note also that the database management system allows a user to make direct, ad hoc interrogations of the database without using application programs.
of multiple types of end users. The data is stored in one location so that they
In our world, people rely heavily on the power of technology every day. Kids are learning how to operate an iPad before they can even say their first word. School assignments have become virtual, making it possible to do anywhere in the world. We can receive information from across the world in less than a second with the touch of a button. Technology is a big part of our lives, and without it life just becomes a lot harder. Just like our phones have such an importance to us in our daily lives, database management systems are the same for businesses. Without this important software, it would be almost impossible for companies to complete simple daily tasks with such ease.