Darth Maul: A Short Story

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Darth Maul backed away from the holographic projector and set the Infiltrator's course for the city of Theed on Naboo. His master, once again had assigned him an assassination mission. He had eliminated most of the heads of the black sun and other gang organizations--he had even killed padawan learners but this was different. On this particular occasion he had been instructed to eliminate a Jedi master, something that made Lord Maul sit on the edge of his seat. The tattooed Zabrak sat back at the controls and let the ship take its course. Maul decided to sit in deep meditation. Stretching out with the force, he tried to foresee what was about to happen; the future seemed to be clouded even to the dark side. Perhaps this was why his master, the only one he had ever …show more content…

This: "Anakin Skywalker" was so strong in the force, stronger than anything Maul had ever felt. He didn't even need the probe droids that came equipped with the ship to track him, he needed only the force. This boy if trained properly could change the course of the Galaxy. The child's midichlorian count was so high, Maul only needed to be in the same star system to sniff him out. Darth Maul knew only to hunt and kill. Just as it had been since his master saved him as a weak child on Dathomir and trained him on the harsh winter planet that was Mygeeto. He had such a natural hatred for the Jedi. It was this same hatred that woke him up every night and drove him to climb the peaks of Coruscant just to catch sight of the Jedi scum in their high temple. Just the thought had made Maul ball his fists so hard he thought his veins just might burst out of his arm. He furiously snapped out of meditation, his hatred never let him focus. He longed for the training from his master that would allow him to focus solely on the dark side. His eyes gazed out at the stars around him, he focused on the soft hum from the Infiltrator's

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