Patriotism In Dante's Inferno Essay

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Patriotism is respect and devotion toward a state which brings about unity and justice. It is believed to be a positive quality. In the time of Dante, it would have been considered to be a principal quality of a person. Patriotism was held to the highest regard. In turn, the act of being “unpatriotic” was a serious offense. Early scholars such as Machiavelli believed “unpatriotic” acts or beliefs to be evil, even equivalent to the act of murder. Dante is often criticized as being “unpatriotic” toward his home town of Florence in his divine comedy Inferno. Although he does harshly criticize Florence, Dante remains patriotic because he is standing up against evils in the name of justice, which is a patriotic act.
Dante Alighieri was born in Florence, Italy in 1265. At the time of …show more content…

This criticism cannot be used against Dante since Dante himself agrees with this assessment. In Inferno, Dante places traitors against their homeland or party deeper within the depths of Hell then he places traitors to their kin. This shows Dante’s utmost respect and adoration to the state. Within the Ninth Circle, second ring Dante encounters Tesauro dei Beccheria. Beccheria “had his gullet sliced right through by Florence” (32.120). In the 1258 he was beheaded. Dante places a traitor to Florence within one of the deepest sectors of Hell. He views being “unpatriotic” toward Florence as a serious offense. Beccheria is immersed in ice with his head bent downward. Augustine defined evil as the absence of substance, or complete nothingness. There is no feeling, just complete numbness. Ice is the harshest of all punishments because it leads to a feeling of “nothingness.” This is what traitors suffer through and it is clearly the worst punishment of

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